I lost one of my girls today. WHY?

sorry about your loss. maybe she's now taking care of the chick I lost last night........
Oh no! sorry about loosing your chicks. That's very said! I'm figuring that something went wrong with her egglaying. Maybe she prolapes or something and had a heart attack or loss of blood. It just happened so fast. I also wondered if she had fainted or something. The SLW's weren't my favorite, but I don't wish this on any chicken.
I think sometimes they might have heart problems and we just don't know about it. The stress of laying causes a heart attack. Just a thought. I'm sorry for your loss. I think it's harder when you don't expect it...Gloria
I'm sorry too Deniece, and like Cynthia, I sure dread when one I am so attached to dies (I lost 2 within two weeks after getting them as biddies and was not as attached as I am now). I am really sorry, that would be a sad day for me too.

I have often wondered if it isn't alittle bit like giving birth to lay an egg, if so, god bless their little hearts because my daughter was born before we had time for any pain killers and she was born as I was seeing stars and passing out...sooo, I sure hope no little chicken has to feel pain on that scale just to lay an egg!!!! Darlene

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