I may have finally "broke" my crazy cock

My rooster was like that movie ground hog day. After treatment, he behaved through the day. Then he was back to normal the next day, normal being crazy. I think it has something to do with being surrounded by hens, he can't help himself. He ended up being stewed in a hunter's red wine recipe.
My rooster was like that movie ground hog day. After treatment, he behaved through the day. Then he was back to normal the next day, normal being crazy. I think it has something to do with being surrounded by hens, he can't help himself.

Mine is at his worst now around the hens or his coop, but I figured those are the final battlegrounds because that is what he is called to protect. And since he has determined that I was an adversary, it's the last place he wants to surrender. But I honestly think he's getting there. He's actually changed a lot during the past week. I don't doubt he'll need reminding in however long a future he is alotted and I'm sure that each springtime will certainly call for it when the hormone surge hits again.
Gosh, what a palaver! Thank you so much for sharing your experience.
You are so wise in your approach to retain dominance, especially with your children close by. I agree roosters DO submit as long as they know you mean business. I share your actions of picking them up, and making a noise which clearly is your way of superior rooster talk. It works for me too. However I must say, I have never had one as stubbornly naughty as yours appears. They usually get the message very quickly. I think I would have found a home for one as pesky as yours. He has hens of his own so ought to be content.

They DO remember every detail. A lot has been written on the subject of roosters and I agree with the camp which says not to hurt them, but admonish them in a way which clearly shows you are the boss. I believe is the only way really to raise chickens . Love and kindness, but no nonsense.

Bazil looks to Rhode Island Red? I love Orpingtons as their nature is so gentle and laid back. Maybe it might be an idea to relax with an Orp? Just a thought …..
@Cluck-a-lot , my theory is that the way I'm admonishing him mimics a rival actually fighting him without the violence or risk of injury. I think that's why he seeks refuge afterwards to avoid any harm from being the loser.

I've dealt with worse roosters in the past, one which we deemed the "Son of Satan". He didn't stick around long. Baz is certainly a little turd, but I don't think he realized what he was starting with me.

As for breed, he should be a Partridge Plymouth Rock; that's what I ordered. I think Plymouth Rocks are supposed to sit somewhere in the middle of friendly and flighty. I'm raising mine as livestock and wanted a dual purpose breed, so I didn't need anything very friendly.
Day 13

It's finally happened. As in, nothing happened. I let everyone out and he went on his merry way. He came back for 007 when I released her to run with others, but didn't confront me, minus a tease through the fence.

And now I'm almost tripping on him because he wants to stop me to stick his head in whatever cup or bucket or whatever I'm passing the run holding. He's broken. He's actually broken.
Everything is still going well with Baz aside from two quarrels. The bigger of the two was May 25th (Day 15) and I think that was because he knew something was up, which was that I was in early labor. (Yes. I've been beating him up while nine months pregnant and I have the physique of a twig with a basketball under my shirt. I'm sure it was hilarious for any potential onlookers.) We had a pretty big "fight" where he landed no blows and even came back for seconds after hiding under a tree. I was ready to just give up on him at that point because that was ridiculous.

Two or so days later we had another small fight when I got home, but he was quickly subdued and didn't try again.

Since then, he's done a small run or two at me, but otherwise has taken to ignoring us. I think the new tiny human threw him off for a bit, but in the two weeks my newest squish has arrived Baz has calmed remarkably. I do still occasionally threaten him with my hand, but that's all it takes now. I can let them out and he goes on his merry way with the hens. If I go near the coop he gets a little wary, but remains respectful of my space just as I respect his. If he tries anything more, a couple pats sends him away although I still follow him a small distance while patting his back to reaffirm my position.

All in all, I'd call it a success. I can go outside with my kids with peace of mind that he's not going to come running out of the blue to pick a fight. I still listen for him to run up behind me, but he hasn't done much in the past week to warrant more than that.
Everything is still going well with Baz aside from two quarrels. The bigger of the two was May 25th (Day 15) and I think that was because he knew something was up, which was that I was in early labor. (Yes. I've been beating him up while nine months pregnant and I have the physique of a twig with a basketball under my shirt. I'm sure it was hilarious for any potential onlookers.) We had a pretty big "fight" where he landed no blows and even came back for seconds after hiding under a tree. I was ready to just give up on him at that point because that was ridiculous.

Two or so days later we had another small fight when I got home, but he was quickly subdued and didn't try again.

Since then, he's done a small run or two at me, but otherwise has taken to ignoring us. I think the new tiny human threw him off for a bit, but in the two weeks my newest squish has arrived Baz has calmed remarkably. I do still occasionally threaten him with my hand, but that's all it takes now. I can let them out and he goes on his merry way with the hens. If I go near the coop he gets a little wary, but remains respectful of my space just as I respect his. If he tries anything more, a couple pats sends him away although I still follow him a small distance while patting his back to reaffirm my position.

All in all, I'd call it a success. I can go outside with my kids with peace of mind that he's not going to come running out of the blue to pick a fight. I still listen for him to run up behind me, but he hasn't done much in the past week to warrant more than that.
Congratulations on your new baby! :love
I made a hunter's stew with my crazy rooster. The one that replaced him has everything going for him, he will take my Bresse chickens to another level. His character is totally different than the crazy rooster.
I made a hunter's stew with my crazy rooster. The one that replaced him has everything going for him, he will take my Bresse chickens to another level. His character is totally different than the crazy rooster.

He's gotten dangerously close to becoming gumbo, soup of choice here for cooking down an old bird. For the time being, he's redeemed himself. At least until a replacement proves to have a better disposition.

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