I may have to break down and go to the doctor.

"-Person fells as though she wants something, but doesn't really know what it is; rejecting things she has asked for."

I feel this way often. Sick with something or not.

Go to the doctors even if you are feeling "better"
Kinda like "take ALL the medication, even if you are feeling better"

I go through the bronchitis thing yearly. You have gotten beyond simple bronchitis.

I hope you feel better soon.
I know this conversation started almost a yr ago, but this stuff goes around...and around. So if it is helpful to anyone... Eucalyptus essential oil on the chest before bed helps. Every night. Also, if you are having trouble breathing...get some thyme, fresh or dried, preferably organic. Put a pan of about 3 cups of water on the stove. Add 2-3 Tbsp of Thyme let it boil. breathe in the steam and then have some as a tea. It loosens up any mucos and really helps! I have used it for asthma for years. I think it must also help with the inflammation.
Anyway, everybody try to stay well this year!!
Well i finally got to the doctor. The ice storm slowed me down a little and i missed my appt. We just got our electricity back on yesterday after 3 days on a generator and 2 days with no water it also came back on yesterday with a strict boil order. Apparently 12 people went to the hospital after drinking the water. (Broken lines mixing with ?) Anyway they were able to get me in today in the town over. Of course it was pneumonia,and they said if I had waited another day then I would have been in the hospital, too.
The x-ray showed the bottom 1/4 of my right lung(i think) was solid white. Fortunately apparently I qualified for destitute(same clinic, different town). And I only had to pay $15 for x-ray blood tests and a very painful shot. The meds for it came to $107 for 7 PILLS!
I had to pay for that. At least I feel a little better, I think!
P.S. I didn't realize we were that poor
I know.

But you are loved.

I've been there and have uncertain times ahead.

We'll be ok.

Glad you got through your frozen stuff and things are up and running again. And most definatley so happy to hear you got to come home and were treated and on the road to recovery.

hugs and more hugs,
Sorry the meds were that much, but honestly they could have been much worse.

Here's hoping you feel much better soon! Very glad you didn't have to be hospitalized.

I'm sorry the meds were so much. Honestly, if you had not gone in it could have proven fatal. Pneumonia can be very very serious. I am so glad you took care of yourself. You are totally worth $123, I suspect you are worth significantly more even
Glad you got to the doc, and I hope you feel better SOON!

Pneumonia is not to be messed with- I have had it 3-4 times, (ok- I preach better than I practice), and I coughed so hard I broke ribs. Which is very painful, and now I pop ribs just by looking in a mirror. Take your meds, and best of healing to you!

I generally go holistic, but sometimes an antibiotic is the best way. Eat yogurt to keep your innards in balance while on the antibiotics.
Take care!
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