I must be crazy? $109.00 for 3 Chickens!!!

but they're special!!!! And you had to look hard to find them!!! And did I mention....they're special!?!?!?!?!
No, Those were the LF Lavenders. LOL, No voice of reason here when it comes to chicks/chickens. All my practical reasoning abilities seem to fly right out the door.
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I paid $250 for a pair of Seramas! Plus the Eglu....and the Turn-x. Between those things, I paid more than $1000 for my Serama pair!
I won the expensive contest, right?
Yes, I am crazy.
Hmm I paid 150 dollars for a Cockatiel lol and the next was for rabbit
I was lucky to find myself a 2000 dollar Silkie lol
Top Quality

Okay okay I lied ... I got the silkie for free.....I hatched it... But if I had to buy it thats what it would of cost me... hahahaha

But honestly the most anything that cost me. was my Beta fish. he cost me 100 dollars (with the tank lol. he was the only one that lived in it). Then that Cockatiel. My parakeets cost me atleast 300.
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Here is my gorgeouse girl. I feel so lucky!!!

But No I don't think thats allot! If anybody is will to spend the money on good quality birds. It helps improve the flock then go for it. People have different tastes or ideas of what is cheap or expensive. But it is good for the long run.

I mean hey!!! a while back somebody spent over 3000 dollars on a lavender silkie hen. and just one bird!
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Hey.. just gotta add to this insanity.. I paid 150 for a dozen eggs, I hatched 10, lost 2 , ended up with.... ready??? 8 cockerels.. will be selling extras soon.. (lav orps) what are the odds.. I really keep hoping at least one is a MANLY pullet.. lol.. 2 would be better..
I raised and hatched parakeets for almost 6 years.... Overal 300

no probebly the most I have spend on one was 12... Cages arnt cheap

WOW where do u live ?!?! I bought a parakeet for 7 bucks at a pet shop in san antonio

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