I need a miracle...

No worries there, FrizzledHen. I've got pretty good stamina...I have a 3 year old son! lol No chance of me falling out!
Well, I'm still waiting...on something, anything, to happen. Today went by pretty quickly, as I had lots of stuff to keep me busy. But I still checked the hatcher at least every 2 hours. So here I am, resuming my nightly guard, in hopes of catching sight of that first pip.
I'll take my catnaps throughout the night, but for the most part I'll remain here watching....and waiting.
Come on chickies, give me a sign!
Hey Michelle

The way you are now you will be a real nervous wreck when you get these Faverolles Its a never ending battle
Just another reason to stick by the coffee pot

Day 20 for the blue BCs, day 19 for the BO. Still watching...still waiting.
No signs of anything yet. Hopefully tonight is the last night I'll be drinking coffee and watching over the hatcher.
Come on little guys, show me signs of life in there!
Well? We are all waiting for the news. Good or bad we will all be there for you. With all the fingers crossed for your eggies to hatch they just gotta.
Nothing happening yet. I just can't stop staring at the eggs...just hoping to see movement or something! The very moment something happens, I'll probably run around my house screaming! lol More updates to come...later tonight.
Well, it's day 22 for the BCs, day 21 for the BO. No signs of anything. I got rather discouraged last night, so I went to bed and got a good nights sleep. Would it be ok to very quickly candle the BC eggs to see what's going on, if anything? I was thinking I could put a damp cloth over the eggs to keep humidity loss at a minimum. I'm to the point now where I just want to know if there's any hope left.

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