I need a new favorite author

Lily agrees.
I have read one fish two fish today until I'm hoarse.

I don't really read many *new* books...but I did read "A Dog's Purpose" by W. Bruce Cameron. I LOVED it. I'm reading it again now, as I just had to have my dog put down. It was a wonderful book, and I'll keep my eyes out for his books in the future.
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If you wanna try some classic sci fi:

Niven's Ringworld series

Heinlien (he wrote during the race to space era and his stuff s really really good).

Anne McCaffery, start with dragonsdawn and move forward from there.

Don't forget the calssics that you may have missed in school, 1984, brave new world, lie down with lions

And if you can get a copy of it (it would be a vintage book) The Egg and I
Didn't read through all the replies, but...

The Odd Thomas series or the Frankenstein series or both, by Dean Koontz. Don't discount Koontz as a S. King knock-off, horror writer; he's most definitely not.

Also, every animal lover has to read "A Big Little Life" written by Koontz's late dog, Trixie. I've read it three times. It has brought me great comfort when I think back on all the furry babies I've had that have since crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
Those are good.

Also anything by Rita Mae Brown, but especially the Mrs. Murphy mysteries (written by Rita Mae and her cat, Sneaky Pie Brown). Start at the very beginning if possible!

Why are you giving up romance novels? I find that every now and then, a well-written romance is a good escape from reality.
Those are two of my favorites! My most favorite...Gone With The Wind You've probably already read it but if not you should! It's better than the movie (which was great too)!
"The Golden Compass", " The Subtle Knife" and " The Amber Spyglass" trilogy by Phillip Pullman. AWESOME reading!

"Life Expectancy" by Dean Koontz will make you lol!
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Have you read any Larry McMurtry? I think he puts alot into being historically correct and I enjoy his books.
I also have read every Louie Lamour book I can find, my fave is The Sacketts and The Lonesome Gods.

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