I need a rooster in east Idaho!


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12 Years
Jan 4, 2008
The Frozen Wasteland of Idaho
I'm looking for a rooster to put over my hens to make sex-links. I need one with good manners. Breeds I'm looking for include blue, black, or buff Orpingtons, Gold laced Wyandotte, Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire Red, Blue Andalusian, or Barnevelder. I'm willing to go as far as western Idaho or northern Utah for one. Thank you!

Please place wanted ads in the appropriate Buy/Sell/Trade section:

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I have a hatchery RIR rooster that I'm needing to get rid of. He will be 2 in April 2013. He is very well mannered around people and is good with the girls but he's a bigger rooster and I'm keeping the smaller one. I live in Arco if you are interested! :)
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I have a golden laced Wyandotte roo that is in need of a good home. If you haven't already found one. I'm in KY but am willing to ship. I have too many roosters or else I would keep him. He is healthy, tame, eats out of my hand. and just gorgeous.

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