I need advice, neighbor problems...

Hi there, We just bought a place in the country, our new neighbors are about 4 acres away. They have 5 dogs that come to our place, harrass our dogs thru the fence, poop in our yard and growl at DH and I. We talked to the other neighbors about them and everybody is unhappy with the dog situation. all of the rest of the neighbors including us keep our dogs contained on our property. We have taken to shooting the shotgun everytime we catch them in our yard. I have noticed they are starting to become scarce. Maybe the owners are thinking we might really shoot them. Of course that would be a last resort. Agressive towards children I would call the sheriffs Dept. It is not fair that your child can't feel safe to play in his own yard and a 4 year old might not recognize agressive behavior until its too late. I would discuss with the adults the 18 year old may not be telling all she knows. As horrible as it is you may have to explain to your children that not everybody are nice people and it may be better to stay away from them. Good luck.

Unfortunately not a lot of options and it doesnt appear its going to get better on its own.
I would talk to the parents first and see if they know what is going on. If you see the dogs on your property, call the cops/animal control. This can only end badly if steps arent taken.
I am so sorry this is happening to you.
I agree with the people on here that says talk nicely first; I bet you dollars to doughnuts the 18 year hasn't told the parents much about the issues . . .and they may just be as shocked as you have been over it. Then, if it continues, I would video what I could when I could, and call the law every time too. I know you hate to do this, I read your posts because you always had interesting things to say, and i know what a good person you are. . . but that little 4 year old doesn't have a chance with those big dogs, and you have the right to protect your own!! Good luck, and keep us updated on what happens!!!
I agree too... this is good advise

I have seen the damage dogs can do to a little child.
It was horrific.

I also agree. Documentation would very much work in your favor if this thing gets any more ugly, though hopefully the letter and a discussion w/the parents is all that's needed. Good luck!
Get a notebook.. Every time you see the dogs in your yard. Or the dogs threaten your kids.. Write it down. With date and time.. And every time you call the animal control or cops on them.. That way you have a it all wrote down in case you are asked how often the dogs go on your property. Then you dont have to just say "Their on my property alot."... Any one can say that. But a list with times and days are better.. Just my 2cents worth
I agree too... this is good advise

I have seen the damage dogs can do to a little child.
It was horrific.

I also agree. Documentation would very much work in your favor if this thing gets any more ugly, though hopefully the letter and a discussion w/the parents is all that's needed. Good luck!

This what I would do. You may also want to look into www.municode.com to check local dog/leash/nuisance laws in your area.

BTW, most states require the teacher/parent for homeschooled children to have a high school diploma or GED although that may be a whole other can of worms that you probably shouldn't open.
We have issues with our nieghbors, they have about 12 doogs plus puppies.
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I agree that it's a great idea to record your witnesses! (emphasis on the great!) If they refuse to take away the dogs you could suggest to them an invisible fence. They're kinda pricey but they do the trick! Good luck! Don't be afraid to take action!

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