I need advice! Please??


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 16, 2009
Montrose, CO
I have 5 nine week old chicks, 3 of them are black leghorns and 2 are barred leghorns. I had 4 black leghorns but my mothers dog got a hold of it and killed it. I looked to find another couple of chicks to buy to replace the one that was killed and all that I can get is light brahma chicks. A friend of mine told me that my leghorns will not get along with the brahmas and will peck them to death. Does anyone know if this is true? And if not what would be the best way to introduce the brahma chicks to the leghorns?
You will need to keep them apart until they are all the same size. If the leghorns are more agressive, the 9-weekers will pick on any new chicks you bring in, regardless of breed. Go ahead and get the new chicks, but raise them seperately.
ditto here, but until they can throw those booties around, it is better safe than sorry.

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