I need general liability insurance to sell fertile eggs...


Sep 12, 2022
SF Bay Area, California
I was asked to apply to be a vendor for a few charter schools so that homeschool families can purchase hatching eggs, for educational purposes. The charter schools require that I have general liability insurance. I'm having a hell of a time finding someone to cover me. Maybe it's what I'm saying? I have no idea how to word what I'm looking for. Does anyone have any insight on this or suggestions? Thank you.
What kind of liability do they anticipate you facing when the parties involved own the equipment, buildings and pay for electricity used.
All you are doing is providing the embryos.
In cases like this, it is clear the schools' powers that be have no understanding. Perhaps the families will do without from your end.
When my case with the city was finally resolved allowing me to continue to raise chickens and keep roosters, an alderman suggested I get a business license for any transactions. I declined stating the cost of the license exceeded any profit I could glean from potential sales.
In a nutshell, chicken keeping on a small scale, isn't a profit seeking enterprise.
If necessary, you might try something like this

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