I need help..AGAIN, with these silkies..please!!!UPDATE::PICS

Okay, Deb, this is war. You have been tooooo nice. You have done everything you could to be civil to this beast of a person. SHE IS USING YOU. She will continue to try to use you unless you get the authorities involved. You at least need to sit down while it is fresh on your mind and write down a time line of everything that has happened up to now. You need to file a report with your local police. You need to call animal control and report her for abuse and neglect with the understanding with them that you will take more birds to rehabilitate if they need to take animals away from her. Don't let her get away with this. She has to be stopped now, she WILL keep doing this until she is reported. If they don't HEAR you than keep talking, calling until someone does HEAR you. It just t's me off when good people try to do good things and people just use them. This woman is of a different breed and I can't believe that people like that breathe our air. God bless you and your efforts. You have to involve the authorities now. It is escaladed to a point that you can't handle this safely. This woman has to be stopped.
is there anyway you could spread the word about her, name and info stuff, without breaking any slandering laws??? that way everyone in your area learns about her and doesn't buy from her? Calling the authorities (needs to be done) may get her to leave you alone, but it might not stop her from trying this with someone else! And the authorities could shut down the place that you got them from, but does she have another location with which to continue trying to raise and sell chickens? She needs to be shut down completely! She's like a puppy mill! Only with chickens!
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This is truly unbelievable! I'll take some and pay the shipping to zip 17752 (central pa) if you think they would survive the trip. Not really wanting any roo's. I forget how old they are and if you can't tell than that's OK. I'll e-mail you.

Good Luck!

Tried to e-mail but got an error. Will try again.
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If you can ship some of them, I'll take six or seven off of your hands. I'm already rehabilitating an injured chick, I'd love to help these poor little ones out. No way is she gonna get them back. We'll all stand behind you.
Deb, this is not a test of endurance , but a test of the strength of your back bone. Stand up girl! You do not have to run from her or have your chickens run from her. Alert the authorities then call her and in a very assertive (not aggressive) way let her know that under no conditions is she to come to your property. Let her know that the authorities have been alerted and if she shows up or if any chickens are missing she will have to deal with them. I am sorry, but I am often amazed at the trials and tribulations we put ourselves (and others) through just because we can't, or haven't learned or don't want to be direct in our communication. This is the opportunity for you, Deb, not to endure it but to stand up to it.
Call the local tv station. They love local drama! The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Make someone with authority take notice and help you.
I agree completly with the above poster.

These birds are also just getting settled in learning to trust and knowing what it is like to be a chicken. You have had them only a short time I would not want them being sent anywhere just yet they will need more time healing shipping birds really stresses them out and may be more of a death sentence and no one wants to have that burden laid on thier doorstep. Lock them up keep them safe and let the woman know that there is no way she will be getting these birds back. Case closed. Good luck Deb.
I have a brand new empty coop and run. No chicken going in it for at least 4 weeks I would love to help out with a few. Only thing is I live in Arizona and am not sure what the shipping would be. If it is possable and I can afford it I would love to take some. Anyone know what the shipping would be???
Now you can't tell me this lady didn't "realize" these birds werent neglected (comeonnnn ... one is walking around on stumps for gods sake
FORGET ABOUT TRYING TO HELP HER ... she isn't interested in your message.

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