I need help..AGAIN, with these silkies..please!!!UPDATE::PICS

Have you ever thought about an underground railroad? BYC members can transport the chicks to their forever home. We do it all the time in greyhound adoption. Meet some one a portion of the way and then drop off and continue with as many drops as needed to get the chicks to their final destination. We accept all offers whether they are 30 miles or 300 miles. It works really well but it takes careful planning and it is all volunteered time and gas. Just something to think about.

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I was thinking it's normally around $45 to ship an adult chicken.

I found a web site that may help, with more information on shipping chickens, as well as selling the boxes.

This is a waterfowl site, but a lot of the information is the same. Since this was written, I believe that the rules have changed and filters are now required for chickens.

The other thing to consider with shipping, is that each state will have it's own regulations for adult chickens coming into that state, as far as disease testing and certifications. Here are Wisconsin's, as an example.
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Hi Deb,

Just wanted to add, you are doing great. I've rescued cats from hoarders in the past who then asked for them back. Basically, as Ruth said, just say no. "I'm sorry there must have been a miscommunication, but I understood that you were giving me the chickens. I really do not want to give them back at this point, after I've invested so much vet care and love into them." And leave it at that. If they say, "But-but-but it's MY chicken and..." just reply, "Yes, and you gave the chicken to me, just as we discussed--you were not able to care for it, so I adopted the chicken. I'm sorry you've had a change of heart, but it's my chicken now."

Another thought: I too live in a small town where everyone knows everyone else and the busybodies have a lot of influence. What were the conditions of her home, and do you think her neighbors appreciated it much? It might be worth it to make friends with anyone who would have been disgruntled by her bad habits. Strength in numbers and all that.
The chicken railroad works!!! Lot's of folks have used it.
You can also post on some of the Yahoo chicken groups also. House Chickens and New England Farm and Poultry, let alone our sister site...the EZBoard BYC.
ok...so here they are...The boys are in the worse shape, but I can see PINK in thier feet!!!
They seem to acting more and more like chickens. A few of the hens are even learning to dust bathe!

This is Stubs. His feet are getting better..and he is walking around just fine!


This white silkie/x roo doesnt have a name...but his feet are MUCH better.

This grey/tan silkie/x roo still looks bad, but there is pink in his feet now. There are 3 boys this color.

This white silkie roo is getting used to me a little more. I think he is a full Silkie. His feet look great!


The little Bantam roo here is full of himself.
He thinks he is a 9 pound rooster. Have to watch your back with this one. But once you get him in your arms...he settles in great!

This little red Banty roo....I have NO idea what breed. Maybe OEGB? Very small, with a GREAT crow! His feet are clean, and healthy.

Here are a few of the girls. Thier coloring is jsut wonderfull. Im thinking OEGB/silkie ? Some have the poufy head, some dont. ALL of the darker ones legs are clean and healthy.

This little grey silkie/x?? has a few issues with her feet....long nails. I have been clipping them every few days. Looking better all the time. This lighter ones in the background are silkie/x most of them have the feet thing going on, but are doing MUCH better. And to add, someone in this group of ladies, laid an egg. They must be settling in. So, for those of you who want them...let me know..and please...dont forget the boys...they will need homes too!
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awwwwwwwww!!!! They are beautiful little birds. Those little partridge silkie roos are beautiful to me, once you clean them up real good their going to be even more pretty. GOOD LUCK!!!

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