I need help naming my new chicks.

I don't know if you're a fan of themes, but my flock has been overtaken by Narnia-inspired names! My two roos are named Edmund and Caspian, and my Delaware is Lucy.

Just a thought. :) Themes are fun sometimes.
--- CiscoChickens
That is a cute idea! Actually, the names Cricket and Clover that I mentioned originally are (sort of) themed. Cricket and Clover is the name of a scrapped Panic! at the Disco album. The songs they released are so beautiful, I thought it could suit two pretty little hens.
Naming chicks is one of my favorite things!

I love your choice with Willow!!

I'd name the blue laced red wyandotte Chantilly (for the lace) and the Swedish flower hen Linnea (for the Swedish national flower!) - and because I think they're really pretty names that match with those you've already picked.

Have fun with your new chickies and picking their names....I didn't know mine until I met them.
Thank you so much! I love naming chicks, too! Like you said, it’s hard to decide on names without meeting the little buggers, but I really like the ones you chose.
I find that i usually give my chickens what I think are awesome names as chicks then they get older and I notice little things about them then more fitting names will pop into my head. out of my current 11 chickens only 2 have the names I first gave them lol. I end up giving a lot of my chicken names derived from breed name, for instance I have a welsummer named Summer and my salmon faverolle is Sally. I also name chickens after people i knew, I had a rooster named after a drunkard I once knew because i noticed a similarity in there body movements.
I find that i usually give my chickens what I think are awesome names as chicks then they get older and I notice little things about them then more fitting names will pop into my head. out of my current 11 chickens only 2 have the names I first gave them lol. I end up giving a lot of my chicken names derived from breed name, for instance I have a welsummer named Summer and my salmon faverolle is Sally. I also name chickens after people i knew, I had a rooster named after a drunkard I once knew because i noticed a similarity in there body movements.
That happens to my flock all the time. Only 2 original names stuck: Hen-rietta, and Beetov-Hen
I find that i usually give my chickens what I think are awesome names as chicks then they get older and I notice little things about them then more fitting names will pop into my head. out of my current 11 chickens only 2 have the names I first gave them lol. I end up giving a lot of my chicken names derived from breed name, for instance I have a welsummer named Summer and my salmon faverolle is Sally. I also name chickens after people i knew, I had a rooster named after a drunkard I once knew because i noticed a similarity in there body movements.
That’s really funny!

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