I need to kill my roo and i cant do it

My rooster Angry Johnny is so mean I can no longer go outside to be with my birds or garden with out him running up on me and attacking or just straight up looking at me, ruffling his feathers and then charging me.
I just can't bring myself to actually physically hurt him. I feel bad wen I have to hit him with my be good stick. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
Where r u located? I have 2 roosters and kept them separated. My Swedish hen attacked & bloodied my husband’s leg. We then let our silkie out with the Swede-our Silkie chased him and gave him a quick knocking. Since that, Thor who is 3x the size of Linus, has never bothered us again. Moral-you may have Linus to teach your angry Johnny a lesson. My email is [email protected].
My rooster Angry Johnny is so mean I can no longer go outside to be with my birds or garden with out him running up on me and attacking or just straight up looking at me, ruffling his feathers and then charging me.
I just can't bring myself to actually physically hurt him. I feel bad wen I have to hit him with my be good stick. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
And they now live harmoniously. Thor keeps his distance.
My rooster Angry Johnny is so mean I can no longer go outside to be with my birds or garden with out him running up on me and attacking or just straight up looking at me, ruffling his feathers and then charging me.
I just can't bring myself to actually physically hurt him. I feel bad wen I have to hit him with my be good stick. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
Perhaps your local vet will put him down?
My hen is sick and although my vet doesn’t treat birds, he said he’d euthanize if needed. 🤔
So you don’t feed them clean up after them love them water them care for them when they are sick or injured?
Not in the same manner by a long shot. Do you have any human children? My birds are taken care of and loved, but there is no reasonable sane comparison between my child and any animal.
Why kill for the sake of it?? Some people just can’t do it.. for one reason or another

I could never kill one of my boys I would find a way to make it work... to teach him train him and if that didn’t work I would still find away to be able to keep him... I couldn’t kill I don’t have that in me...

What happened to the saying
Where’s theres a will there’s a way?

everyone is entitled to there opinion and basically being told I’m wrong to have the views I have is disgraceful...
I'm not saying you're wrong for your views, especially in what you do at your home with your flock or kids. I'm saying you're wrong for trying to make others feel any less for making a decision about an animal they at their home in their care that's human aggressive to the point of not being able to go outside their house without being attacked. Plus, the OP has already done what they felt was necessary and feels OK about it, which is perfectly acceptable and normal . Some of these roosters are quite nasty. If you can live comfortably and the rooster lives a nice life, that's wonderful. I applaud you if so, honestly. I hope that no one ever takes pleasure in killing. If I took pleasure in it, my spawn of Satan rooster would have died well over a year ago. I have tried everything to avoid it. I sometimes wonder if everyone has had an actual human aggressive rooster.
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So you don’t feed them clean up after them love them water them care for them when they are sick or injured?
Have you ever tried everything in your power to care for a wound on an aggressive rooster, especially their wattle? I have. He made it impossible without injuring me every single time. I would just deal with it for a long time but he was more and more aggressive every single time. Some roosters are no joke and they're worse than you'd think. I never thought a 10 lb chicken could be so aggressive, but I sure do now. This bothers me so much because you have no idea how much I have tried with this one. It bothers me because I don't take their lives for granted. The folks that have helped me on here know that I've been dealing with this guy for a long time. I'm not just killing him to kill him. I'd love to go outside and not have to worry about where he is so that my daughter and I don't get flogged with his huge spurs. He's wonderfully talented at flogging, I tell ya. This circumstance isn't a one size fits all. I love what works for you, but the same doesn't work for us all sadly.
Edited to add that for some reason I still respect this meanie enough to not lock him away somewhere. His quality of life is still important to me, even with his attitude problem.
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Too bad you live so far away. I would take care of him for you. My late dear husband was a farmer. He loved his animals! But he also knew there may be time to put them down, if needed. There has to be a balance in life. If your rooster is still around, there has to be some kind person around that could help you out.
When the stress of doing nothing gets harder than the stress of taking action, you'll be able to do it. Research methods until you find one that you think you can manage.

This is beautifully worded and incredibly insightful. Thank you for posting this! I need to bookmark this or print it out as it applies to so many things in life.
My rooster Angry Johnny is so mean I can no longer go outside to be with my birds or garden with out him running up on me and attacking or just straight up looking at me, ruffling his feathers and then charging me.
I just can't bring myself to actually physically hurt him. I feel bad wen I have to hit him with my be good stick. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
In my experience... He attacks you because he thinks you are an intruder in his territory. What he needs to learn is that YOU are the prime boss, not him. This is something that YOU must do because the rooster will not learn that you are the boss if you have someone else do this.
Ready? The next time he runs at you or comes near in any other way, you must grab him by the feet. Holding him by the feet, move to an open area where you are able to swing him at arms length in a big circle at your side. Let your arm hang and start swinging, either direction, forward or back, just do it until you're sure he is quite dizzy.
After a good ferris wheel circus ride, put him back on the ground, BUT.... be prepared to grab him and repeat the process, just in case he's not dizzy enough.
You may have to repeat the process immediately or possibly do it several times over a period of days. You must do it repeatedly until he learns you are the boss!!! Depending on who is most stubborn (you or him) will determine the winner.
Just remember, you're not trying be a vertical centrifuge, just make a dumb bird a lot smarter about who's the boss.
The swinging won't hurt him, unless you 'accidentally' wack his head against the ceiling or ??
I've had success with this over many years, but remember, the person being chased is the one who has to 'tame the rooster'. Good luck!!

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