I never thought it would happen...R.I.P Onyx


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
Awhile ago we had all but one of our WL killed by racoons. We got some new babies to keep the WL company...they're now 9 wks. I've love them, take them treats constantly, hold them, and am way to overprotective...but I've never thought of hawks. Today I looked outside and there were no chickens in the pen, only a dead one with a hawk over it. I ran outside, and the hawk flew away. I ran into the pen and picked up Onyx. She peeped once and died.
. I loved her so much. R.I.P Onyx...why is it that four chickens, none of them full grown, have been killed this year??? I found Sage in the nestbox, Asha in a neighbors yard, and Buckbeak sheltering between a tree and the fence. I put them in a dog kennel and they're huddled together, shaking. I miss my baby

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This time of year the hawks are migrating. I'm so sorry for your loss. Be very careful b/c he will probably be back. I've got one lurking around that I haven't seen all summer.
I'm so sorry!
darn hawk. What a pretty name she had, Onyx ... My stupid dog killed my Exchequer Leghorn, Gorgeous, last spring ... I finally got another one, named her Gorgeous too, and the old bast**d got her this morning ... I'm done with that dog.

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