I never thought the day would come... (My first egg!!!)


10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
Southern Vermont
Hey everyone, I haven't been posting for a while (although I've been lurking), since my chicks have been happily growing up from being little fuzz balls, but I had to check in and share the excitement about finding my first egg this morning! I never thought the day would come. Of course it had to happen on a morning I was out of the house. Since I work from home I've been checking the coop many times each day.

I still need to go take some photos to post of the finished coop, but I'm waiting to take out the brooders that the smaller chicks are still using as hiding places.


So tiny and cute!

Thanks BYC, and everyone for all of the great information. I don't think I would have ever made it this far without all of the support!
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I forgot to mention, I found the egg right in the middle of one of the nesting boxes. I think it helped that I have 16 younger chicks that are living on the floor of the coop. I'm sure the hen felt the nest box was the safest place. Hopefully that will keep up, and the only eggs I have to pick up off the floor will be those that belong to the ducks.
Yaaaay first eggs are great! Mine put theres right in the nest boxes too (I did have a fake egg in there) I can't believe how smart they are sometimes!

Congratulations I am excited for you!


Thanks guys!

> unaspenser - The two hens that are old enough (barely) to lay are Red Stars (Red Sex-Link) they also have a male mate that's a Black Sex Link. I got them April 19 and I'm guessing they were just under a week old then. So that's only 14 weeks old! Is my math right? That's starting to seem awfully early.

I also have 6 RIR pullets, 6 Barred Rock pullets (about 6 weeks old) and 4 mixed breed chicks from a local farm (about 8 weeks). The three ducks are Mallards. they are also about 14 weeks, I believe one is male, and two are female, but there hasn't been much change in coloring yet.
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