I now have poisin ivy because of my coop...

I have it on waste line, belly button, face, neck, ankles, where the arm bends ( the other side of my elbow), legs, basically ALL OVER
I truely feel for you! as one who seems to get it just by walking near it I feel your pain. If it's all over you go to the doctor. They will give you a steroid shot and it will begin healing quicker. If it's just a few spots then unfortunatly you have to deal with it by pretty much any of the above methods. good luck!
I definitely agree about seeing a doctor. I had it really bad once and it took two courses of steroids to clear it up. The over the counter creams are a joke. There is a prescription steroid spray called Clobex that works awesome.
Wash all your clothes/shoes you have touched. Good luck.
Old-fashioned lye soap, like grandma would have made. Make a paste of it, apply it to the poison ivy, then let dry. Do not rinse off the soap. It will dry up the blisters.
I had poison ive a few yrs back and it was horrible. I say go to the doc. They put me on steroids and that is the only thing that cleared it up.
yeah see a doc. i have got it my whole life and if you have that much you need help of some sort. a prescribed cream might work if not some prednisone will. on the face it can swell your eyes shut...been there......and it will really wear down your immune system trying to fight it that bad.
I'm sorry~ hope it heals quickly
I've never had Poison Ivy, but where I used to go to camp as a kid, we had Stinging Nettle (itchy applesauce!). Nettle also spreads by touch, so you'd itch it and then touch somewhere else and spread it all over! The nurses at camp (I went to a camp for Diabetic kids) carried "green soap" in their packs...I can't even think of the real name for the stuff, we called it green soap, lol. It is designed to treat poison ivy, stining nettle, and the like though. Call the Nurse's line at your doctor's office, or even call the doctor, they should be able to tell you the name and where to get it if it's OTC.

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