I put blukote on my rooster- New Funny Pictures

X2 and get that blukote asap! Be careful not to get it in his eyes though. It does well to prevent infection and the others wont peck the blue.
No he made it, he lost he just won because we got rid of the other roosters, one had some blood but not bad. Ya he lost baaaaaaad

The worst injury was not on the other game bird but what I think was Rhode Island, he had blood all down his chest but he didn't really have any injurys

He was raised with those roosters but he forgot them, plus I didn't really like them because they were new and they hurt my baby
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You can use regular aspirin. It's one aspirin per gallon of water. Neosporin w/out pain killers. You can give him red cell, I believe that will boost the blood reproduction. Hope your guy gets to feeling soon.
X2 and get that blukote asap! Be careful not to get it in his eyes though. It does well to prevent infection and the others wont peck the blue.

I saw that so I took a wet Q-tip and wiped it, then I saw a hair under that lump of blood on his beak and I had thought it was part of his beak but it wasn't so I pulled it off. He can breathe but if you listen closely he kinda whistles. Hes very active now and seems really happy. But when I was showering him I kinda exposed some skin that had been cut, not bad though. Also can I use pain relief neosporin??
Oh thanks, I had some pain relief neosporin but I hesitated since people said not to use pain relief. He seems active and fine now though so not sure apsirin is necessary.

No you can't use the neosporin that has pain relief added just the kind that has none in it. If he doesn't seem like he is in pain then I would say no aspirin is needed.
Oh thanks, I had some pain relief neosporin but I hesitated since people said not to use pain relief. He seems active and fine now though so not sure apsirin is necessary.

No you can't use the neosporin that has pain relief added just the kind that has none in it. If he doesn't seem like he is in pain then I would say no aspirin is needed.

Yup and thanks, and his eye that was closed opened up when I got it wet.

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