I quit my job

Congrats on releasing yourself from that environment.Makes me sad when people feel they MUST stay in a situation that they hate.Sounds like you gave it plenty of time to get better.And grooming IS hard.I hate doing it for the dogs and cats.
mom'sfolly :

Don't go back. Honor your commitment to the new job. Yucky, mean doc will be back to his old tricks in no time.


From experience. Even if your new job turns out NOT to be your dream job, it's getting you out of a miserable position.

Good luck!

Yeah, I talked to a freind who said, even if I get it in writing, it wont last long. They will kiss my butt, tell me what they need to to get me to stay, and it will only last a few weeks before its back to the same old BS , different day. I think Im gonna tell them that tomorrow when my main boss comes back. My freind also said that the new place would have more positive energy and where Im at now is very negative. I know what she means. I had talked to a tech there who is studying to be a physical therapist. She is doing that because she has been there for ten years and feels this is the only way out. She told me that its been that way for ten years she's been there and it wont fix my situation. I know on one hand, they really dont want me to go because they< or at least this is what they are telling me> that they love me, but what it really boils down to is the money. They dont want to lose all that money I bring in. I will honor my commitment to the new place. I already have clients making appointments up there. I can only take so much before I wont bend anymore and as someone else said, life is too short to put up with bullbleep. Thanks for all the encouragement. I'll keep you posted.

Just wanted to let you all know that I have given my official two week notice at work. The main vet, my boss, has initially worked out an agreement and put it in writing and I thought, ok, now that I got what I wanted , things will be ok. Then over the weekend, I thought, I screwed up. So Monday, I took an officially letter I typed up on my computer stating that I was leaving after all and handed it to them. I am working at my new job this week, but next week I have to work at my old job, then Im gone. For good. I dont know what I was thinking letting them talk me into staying. I want to thank everyone who replied to this topic and thank the person who stated leopards never change thier spots. Thats very true of this place. I have no ill feelings towards anyone there, most of the time it was ok, but I just havent been happy there for a long time, and I want to be happy. So thats the latest update.

I completely agree, I have been with our Health Dept for over 9yrs and working within our court system. And I totally get what you are saying, when it comes to the bitterness, the inability to trust people and just wanting to be an introvert that stays @ my homestead
I read what you are doing now and good for you, I am currently working towards reaching my goals and reading about other's abilities to do something that the strived for, makes me strive as well

To the OP, good for you! You will be much happier
Today went really good.
A little nervous, not many dogs to do, but its my first day.
Things will pick up soon enough. I only have to work 4 days a week now instead of five, so, minnie vacations!!!!
The other girl is going on maternity leave in November so I'll be there by myself and probably ready to pull my hair out.
But thats when you make great tips!!
I have to go back and work at my old job next week and I hope it goes smoothly or I'll walk. Im not going to be stressed out and sick to my stomach if they start harrassing me again.

I wanted to be a dog groomer sooo bad! But there are no schools in my area... closest one i could find was in CT.. next state over..

I still would go to school for it..if i could find a school by me,..
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