I really need advice

Feb 13, 2021
My hen has been sick yesterday she had water coming out oh her mouth was fluffed up not walking or eating just drinking water pooping clear liquid I don’t know if it’s sour crop dough crop if it’s impacted she has normal breath her tummy is normal ( she’s a big girl so I regularly check her for being egg bound) her nose is clear she’s clean she cleans herself I can’t tell if there is stuff moving threw her crop it was hard this morning and then I let her eat a little because she wanted to and I didn’t force her she drank too and then it got squishy I assume from drinking so much water constantly she is now having runny white poop instead of clear so right now she’s been in the garage no food since 7 she didn’t eat a whole lot yesterday just a scrambled egg and some grass she looks like she feels better today but I’m not sure I gave her apple cider vinegar diluted in water cleaned all water food and it’s just her no one else is having these symptoms I have 10 1 year old road island reds and I haven’t been getting any answers from here google other poultry people so I’m at a loss of what to do if you have any recommendations please let me know
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Maybe give her a bit of mineral or coconut oil see if that lines things up enough to make her feel bettet
I’ll see if I can some she did want to eat a little banana since we went outside but I’ve been massaging her crop for the 3rd time today since 7 in an upward motion to get things moving but she’s still pooping white liquid

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