I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

LOL .... too funny! Hey, that's another reason NOT to prewash, right?

Kidding .... I know ... yes, I did prewash mine!
When I was at the fabric store today, I saw a cute fabric with Cherries. So put me down for one more set and I will go back and get the fabric!!!
(If you will please modify your first page and let people know that they need 1 1/8 yard to get 36 squares!!! I am sure that all the folks that are already signed on have MORE than enough fabric to get 36 squares!!! -- I just don't want the folks that sign on at the last minute to find that 1 yard isn't enough!! Last minute panic is NEVER fun!!

You have plenty of time. We aren't due until January. (I think. Right?)

Right, CoyoteMagic was wanting an update on what kind of fabric I had gotten...and I still have not made it to the fabric shop..
Oh yeah you have plenty of time. I was just wondering if you had picked a theme/Spy item you were gonna go with. Just wanted to make sure no one took the idea that you have.

I went to MaryJo's the other day and a swear I started to drool looking at all the possible I-spy fabric they had. Thankfully I didnt have the bank card and only $20 in my pocket that was already going towards somethingelse.
Coyote, I printed out the list and if I can I will go to the fabric shop this week I'll see if there's something else to get. I only have 4 good shops around here so it's hard picking but I would like to do 2. I have a new grandaughter I would like to make a blanket for. Well she's not new she was born in May but I havent seen her yet.

I found this what to you all think? The pic shows about 7" of fabric it looks like I could get 3 or 5 bears in a 6.5 square. And I didn't even have to move my bottom to find it. LOL

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Gin that is too cute. I sure hope that you get to hold that Grandbaby soon, I am so thankfull my 2 live close and if they move I am packing up to move as well. I have decided LOL but I only have the 2 from one daughter so that is easier to say.
I think I'll order it when we come back from getting out Christmas tree today. I wouldn't think it would take that long to come. I did see some monkeys on there to but they look a little hard to cut out. They may be to big. I'll think I'll order the Bears.


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