I started them in the incubator today! 6-20-12

I candled today! Thanks for the advice, I got myself an LED flashlight:) My two white eggs I could see the embryos moving, and the rest kind of scare me. They are green, and I can't see anything other than one half of the egg is darker than the other. And two I think are dead because there is a dark shadow right next to the shell that wasn't moving, then another there was just one thick vein that went from one corner of the egg to the other, which says goner to me :p
Here's one that I think is dead, sorry about picture quality :p
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I candled today! Thanks for the advice, I got myself an LED flashlight:) My two white eggs I could see the embryos moving, and the rest kind of scare me. They are green, and I can't see anything other than one half of the egg is darker than the other. And two I think are dead because there is a dark shadow right next to the shell that wasn't moving, then another there was just one thick vein that went from one corner of the egg to the other, which says goner to me :p
Here's one that I think is dead, sorry about picture quality :p 

I say keep them in a little longer you never know....
Definitely keep it for another week! Unless it starts to smell. Then next time you candle you will know for sure. If it has grown, it was alive! Try to get a bigger led flashlight. Those really small ones don't work too well, imo.
I have a delima and need suggestions...I have 30 chicken eggs to incubate and 3 duck eggs just so happen to be in the mix. What am I supposed to do?
I'll need to set them together. Is there a happy medium for both chicken and duck? (I think they are Call ducks). And what about the turning tray? Can you put duck eggs in the turning tray? I've heard "yes" and I've heard "no". If "no", then why to they sell trays to turn duck eggs? This is a standard egg turner that tilts the egg and doesn't roll them back and forth. Suggestions appreciated....my children were exstatic when they found out there were duck eggs in the mix. I hate to disappoint them.
Duck eggs incubate about the same as chickens, the only real difference is that they take a week longer to grow. If you set them together you will have them hatch 5-7 days after your chicks. I would use a turner, no harm, same benefit. You will have to stop turning them during the chickens hatch tho. But by then they should be safe from sticking to the shell anyway.
The only catch is that the duck eggs need a slightly higher humidity, so keep the moisture at about 50- 55% but don't let it get too much higher than that or it could cause problems for your chicks. Up the humidity to 75% for the chicks lockdown, day 18. If it were me, I'd try to section off the ducks so the chicks can't bother them. And move the chicks to the brooder asap. Bring the humidity back to 55-60% so the duck eggs don't retain extra moisture. The ducks lockdown is day 25, which by then all your chicks should be hatched and fluffy. Up the humidity to 75-80% again.


Build another incubator and use it as a Hatcher by putting the chicken eggs in there for lockdown. You'd have at least 2 weeks to make one. I made mine in a day and had the temp down within a week! Its super easy. I'd be happy to give you info if you want to try it! :D

Thank you sharing the duck info. We moved the duck eggs to the turner (which has made this a lot easier) but still with the chickens that are due to hatch shortly before them. I would love to hear your ideas for an incubator. Right now, I have 3 styrofoam ones and 2 are circulated, 1 is still air (fan is on the way & only takes seconds to put in). I just hate to spend $150+ on a styrofoam incubator (with the turner) that I have to fight to get the temperature right constantly
. We will candle the duck eggs in a couple of days to see how they are doing. We have a hatch of Jersey Giants, Bantam Mixes & Golden Laced Crested Polish due in 2 weeks.
. We don't know what are in the Bantam Mixes they are a surprise pack. Supposed to be Serma, D'Ulcce, Cochin, Silkies, Spangled, a couple other surprises. We're really excited about that one.

The ducks are supposed to the Black Cayuga (sorry if I spelled that wrong)? or Call . We're not sure which one's we have. The eggs are a very pale greenish, bluish color. Very waxy looking. They were not cleaned, of course. I just cleaned them very gentlly the best that I could with a dry cloth.
They are probably call ducks, cayuga's eggs are a grayish color. if you have other incubators why can't you use them?

I highly recommend investing in a plastic cooler! I had so much trouble mounting things to the styrofoam walls. Try to take what components you can from the other incubators.

Here is what you need:

Cooler, mine is a 9 liter plastic cooler and I can fit 12 chicken eggs in it.
Water heater thermostat
Lamp kit
small 12v PC fan
12v ac adapter
Some hardware cloth
a shallow flat Tupperware for water

How you set it up is up to you, the only important part is that the thermostat is mounted so that the metal side is facing the light bulb and is within 2-3 inches of it. Use the hardware cloth and make a shelf to keep the eggs off the bottom. Put the water reservoir under it, make sure it's se sure so that chicks can't get to it. The fan can go where ever you think it looks good, don't mount it flush, it will do its job. You'll have to splice the fan to the ac adapter, but it's easy.


Here is a diagram for wiring the light to the thermostat.

My incubator.
Thank you for sharing your idea. I have 2 incubators currently full with no room in them. One is in shipment (my luck it's lost) that is one of the 2 that are circulated. This is my first time hatching so, I'm still learning. We own a Builders Supply so, the things wouldn't be hard to come up with for a nice self made incubator instead of fighting with temps in these all the time. I guess in 2 weeks we'll find out if I did the right things with the styrofoam ones. I've researched and asked experienced people. I feel like I've done all that I could do to ensure the best for my soon to be chicks & ducks. Next spring, I'll try the homemade idea though. Thanks.
Well I candled all the eggs again tonight. All the ones in the bator were duds, but both of my broodies have one developing chick each! 10 more days!!!
I can't wait, hope they make it!

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