I Still Don't Know....CONCRETE???


14 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Vicksburg, MS
heY everyone, I still don't know about concreting my chicken pen that i wan't to build. If I do concrete it, wouldn't it be tough on their little feets? And also, wouldn't it be hard to clean??

PLease give me all your thoughts on this. PS., its going to be BIG!!!
Depends on how rough the concrete is.

I'm putting two breeding pens on concrete... I'm hoping it will clean well.
Concrete is a great coop floor if you can afford it.

It is not, in most peoples' opinions (me too!), a good *run* surface however. It is hard on their feet, and hot, and totally does not allow them any ability to scratch around and dig and such which is a really fundamental part of being a chicken. If this is a little 'porch' for occasional use and they will freerange all day every day, sure. But I would really strongly advocate against making their whole *world* concrete.

If you really 'have' to have a concrete floored run, at least put retaining boards around it (strong and pressure-treated) and 6+" of sand or gravel or roadbase in there.

Good luck, have fun,


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