I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

I also had a problem with feather pecking. What worked for me was a vitamin suplement which is water soluble. It also increased my egg production considerably. The one I'm buying is made by Nutrena but I don't know if it is available outside Poland. Anyway, feather pecking problem is most probably caused by lack of vitamins or minerals, so I recommend a suplement to those who have this problem. Hope this helps.
And one more thing. When I first took little chicks and didn't have any experience I kept them for too long in a too small box. When they were like 3-4 weeks old they started pecking at each others tails until they were bleeding. We didn't know what is going on and how to stop this so we cut their beaks a little bit (I know, it hurt me to watch this but we couldn't keep each bird separately and they were hurting themselves even more). They were bleeding a little but pecking stopped. Moreover, now when they are big there is no sign of their beaks ever being cut! They just grew back and look totally normal. We cut just a tiny bit, only the upper part and birds were still very young. Now I know that the pecking was caused by boredom in a too small container, so look out for this.
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All input is appreciated. It gives us something to try we may not have thought of or tried before. Since feather picking obviously has many different causes, as pointed out throughout this thread, it also follows there may be different things that can help resolve it.

As for me, my flock has always gotten added vitamins and electrolytes added to their water. In addition, the fermented feed theoretically frees up previously un-utilized nutrients in the feed.

There is a theory that sand runs can cause feather picking. I don't understand the cause and effect dynamic of this, but it might be the cause of feather picking in my flock. I may drastically decrease the amount of sand in my run and see if it makes a difference.
I am always adding ACV to the drinking water. But they are still picking feathers. I give them greens too every other day or so. They eat layer food. I put some greens in a suet cage so they have to work to get at it. I have now attached pinless peepers. That was an ordeal but my husband and I managed it after trial and error. I will give an update on their feather status in a week or so. My Rhodes are the worst for wear. Their backs are bare and their necks and legs and rear ends. It has been SO cold too. Poor things. But they are still singing away and all are laying eggs every day.

I have one black one though just this morning is fluffed up with her head under her wing !! What does this mean? I think it means she is not well? Maybe she's depressed from the peepers? The others don't seem to mind anymore.
I am always adding ACV to the drinking water. But they are still picking feathers. I give them greens too every other day or so. They eat layer food. I put some greens in a suet cage so they have to work to get at it. I have now attached pinless peepers. That was an ordeal but my husband and I managed it after trial and error. I will give an update on their feather status in a week or so. My Rhodes are the worst for wear. Their backs are bare and their necks and legs and rear ends. It has been SO cold too. Poor things. But they are still singing away and all are laying eggs every day.

I have one black one though just this morning is fluffed up with her head under her wing !! What does this mean? I think it means she is not well? Maybe she's depressed from the peepers? The others don't seem to mind anymore.

Have you noticed whether this one has had any trouble adjusting and learning to eat with them on? I would recommend holding her in your lap for a little while and holding food directly in front of her. If she hasn't been eating then some plain, unsweetened yogurt will do wonders to get her back on track.
Thank goodness for this thread!! My girls have been bare-butt beauties for months now, and after the new year I noticed that several are sporting bare spots at the base of their tails. I have tried: Feather Fixer feed (worked for about a week), hanging cabbage and greens in suet feeders (ignored), hanging millet sprays (also ignored), fresh vegetable scraps to keep things interesting (one more good idea ignored) scratch grains and sunflower hearts every day (no noticeable improvement) and most recently, fresh hay in their run, raked up each night into a new pile ready for scratching the next morning. I have now noticed that two of the girls are showing signs of neck feather loss, but that might be molting (way off schedule!?!?) as I can see pinfeathers underneath.

I am ready to try the Forco, as all other suggestions have failed. I do plan on giving them another run in the spring (if the snow ever melts), but cannot let them free-range due to predator concerns and the dog (he was here first, and loves his big yard) and don't know what else to do. The tuna idea was interesting, and I can buy a bag of game feed next week, but this has proven to be an unexpected and aggravating side-effect of chicken ownership. My red sex-links do give me eggs every day, the brown leghorns only when the mood strikes, but I have enjoyed it. This poor batch get to be my "guinea pigs" as I learn how to keep chickens, and they are making me earn that right!
What is there about roosters that make some hens have the irresistible urge to nibble their neck feathers? And the roo just stands there motionless and permits his feathers to be yanked out one by one.

Now I have another hen from the youngest set turn cannibal. Petite, little Mabel was mowing Izzy's neck feathers yesterday, late in the day, while free ranging.

I've removed all but an inch of sand from their run, and they're getting top of the line nutrition. She isn't really copying this behavior because I've slapped peepers on all the offenders and they've suspended their predations. So, today Mabel becomes the newest peeper wearer.
My brown hens have NO neck feathers now and bare backs. They look pretty scruffy. They are singing though and laying eggs. The rest all have peepers on except the one black one as she was upset and sitting all fluffed up. We took it off her. Her comb was pinched. They are off their egg laying somewhat. Maybe they are sick of winter too. None of them have bum feathers.

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