I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

Wow. Maybe the stress of all that is causing it. You might give her some raw meat cut into very small pieces (bits of hamburger, organ meats or whatever you can find). She will find it very yummy she'll need it for molting and growing in her new feathers.

I would continue with the probiotics too. They're great for stressful times!
Well, the peepers are back on Cluck-Cluck and I also had to put them on Fi. With Mother molting the temptation is just too much. They were chasing poor mother around and stressing her out even more. Hopefully this doesn't last long. Mother is looking terrible, the feathers on her neck and butt and head are all but gone. She seems ok, eating drinking, scratching and preening, but I live in Minnesota and I worry about the cold. going to be warmer the next 3 or 4 days, so that is good. but it is very damp 90% plus humidity.
Here is Mother, the SLW. Cluck-Cluck is the BO with the peepers. Silly Goose the EE is wearing the saddle. I can't put one on mother due to her feathers being gone on her neck, head, and butt, it wouldn't help.

I believe Flo can now be considered "cured" of feather picking. Yesterday, her prime victim Joycie died from lymphoid leukosis, something I learning the entire flock is infected with during this past summer when the rooster died. With her out of the picture, Flo has lost incentive to pick because she's afraid of everyone else in the flock.

Heck of a way to achieve success.
  • azygous, I'm so very sorry for your losses.
    I've never heard of that disease before, heartbreaking. I know you are very attached to your birds like me, as I've read this whole thread and your concern, caring, and love for them is plain to see. I cannot imagine what you are going through. You and your flock are in my prayers.
Thanks you guys. FYI, lymphotic leukosis is a form of avian leukemia, and it's a relation of Marek's. It has no treatment or cure. There are only two bright aspects - it's short-lived in the environment and many birds develop a resistance and lead normal lives despite carrying it. However, any new chicken coming into the flock will get it. But it's hard for the virus to live long enough on anyone's shoes to get carried out to another flock somewhere. I don't know how my flock became infected.

I have a SLW Alice, who hasn't been able to complete her molt. I now fear she's showing symptoms of the disease. It's heart-breaking not being able to do anything. What kills a chicken who is carrying it are tumors enlarging internal organs. Heart failure is the eventual outcome in most cases. I don't want to contemplate culling the entire flock because most should be able to have normal lives. By the way, eggs are infected with the virus but it can't be passed to humans, so they're safe to eat. My egg customers have been very understanding and are still willing to buy my eggs.
Sorry to hear about Joycie.
I have a couple of SLW,a d they were late to start their molts,and are taking a long time. One is a real character, and has wormed her way into our hearts. So when she decided to help herself to some of the food in the bucket I fill the bowls from, I did not complain, and now every couple of days she walks back to the basement with me for a little extra feed. I feed Flock Raiser which is 20 per cent protein, and she is regaining her feathers a bit before her " sister". Being smaller, it is a bit hard for the SLW to compete at the food bowls, and Eunice refuses to adopt the ill tempered attitude that Flavia uses so effectively.

Perhaps some special rations would help your girl?
I tried feeding Alice special rations, but she refuses to eat them. Her molt has her very nervous and high strung.

They all get fermented Flock Raiser, though. Hopefully, she'll start growing some feathers back soon.

Here's Alice spending the majority of her time under the heat lamp to stay warm. Her sister Lilith, to the right, started molt at the same time, but she's almost finished while Alice seems stalled.
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