I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

You could try Rooster Booster Pick-no-mor. In fact, I just spread some onto the back of a Speckled Sussex that is constantly being chewed by her three mates. She's molting right now, and they're systematically relieving her of her back pin feathers, leaving bloody stubs. So far, it seems to be working. This poor hen only gets to look decent for about a month out of the year directly following molt. After that, the other three in her pen pick her body ragged.

Every year, I vow to make her a saddle she can't get out of so she can keep her feathers, but I always procrastinate and the three have her new feathers chewed up before I know it. But a saddle is another option you might try. It's worked splendidly in the past to protect a picking victim.
You could try Rooster Booster Pick-no-mor. In fact, I just spread some onto the back of a Speckled Sussex that is constantly being chewed by her three mates. She's molting right now, and they're systematically relieving her of her back pin feathers, leaving bloody stubs. So far, it seems to be working. This poor hen only gets to look decent for about a month out of the year directly following molt. After that, the other three in her pen pick her body ragged.

Every year, I vow to make her a saddle she can't get out of so she can keep her feathers, but I always procrastinate and the three have her new feathers chewed up before I know it. But a saddle is another option you might try. It's worked splendidly in the past to protect a picking victim.
True, I get my hen saddles Here (Etsy) great saddles, very good quality, can order the size you need. she'll even try to make them in colors you want. I've ordered black and while, and brown ones for my SLW's and EE.
Here is the infallible answer to stop feather picking. http://www.food.com/recipe/chicken-and-dumplings-72963

Jim Rea

Actually, I'm thinking of buying some farking feathers in bulk, and just feeding it to them.
Maybe a few pillows or something.
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I had my husband help me take Cluck-Clucks pinless peepers off, she has been wearing them for months and needed a break. So later my husband and I were out walking the yard and yapping. I was telling him that since I took Cluck-Cluck's pinless peepers off I'll have to keep a close eye on her, (she is a terrible feather picker). I said "hopefully she doesn't start plucking Mothers feathers out or i'll have to put the peepers back on her" My husband said "yeah, she is a Mother plucker."

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