I think I lost my mind.I built a model of my coop to be.pics have fun

Sorry not trying to add to it....I get it now!
perchie.girl don't get me started on my Happy Meal collection of toys. A few years back our McD's had a 99 cent special for Happy Meals after 4pm on a certain day. So I really stocked up, at first I made excuses that it was for the grand kids in the car. Ha. I didn't have gr.kids, or a car. Then I realized alot of seniors were coming in for the cheap meals, so I "outed," as one of them. What makes me really looney was I had to walk there and back - 11 miles, so I could finish my collection of little dogs, or neato stuff that transformed into dinosaurs etc. Also used to walk to other McD's trying to find the missing ones - I mean really walk, one place was 14 miles and another 20 round trip. Those were my walking years when I pictured myself as the 'tiger woods' of walking. Neither of us are doing so well now.

Now that I can ride the senior bus, the thrill is gone and Happy meals cost alot more plus the toys aren't so hot.
I think I can post the contest here" coop & run " but I have to start a new thread ie," Great model coop contest," or something like that, so people will respond to that instead of "I think I lost my mind, etc. At least that's all I could figure out while trying to learn about running a contest. I don't know when the best time to start it is, because it might appear and then get knocked off the new topics list before anyone gets to see it. Then I guess I have to keep posting myself - to keep it in front of people who want to participate..Live and learn.

At any rate, I want it short and sweet this first time. If it goes well then I would like to do it up bigger, and hopefully entice real judges, etc..
6chickens in St. Charles :

I couldn't get cardiology. Couldnt recall which valve went where?

DH bought me a set of clay. I made 14 hearts. Real ones, with the valves in the right places and the vessels going their special ways.

Now I adore my patient's heart sounds, I can really tell what's going on every time I take a listen, and it is an act of love and fascination.

One day I heard a funky beat. I asked her, "do you want to tell me about your rythmn? Nice beat, easy to dance to, but...."

She said "Nobody's ever noticed it but you. I was born with my heart missing the right ventricle, and it's in there backwards. I was a blue baby. I'm a miracle." She is 23.

I bet your model will lead you to your miracle. "To be, Do." was a bumper sticker I saw once, and it stuck with me.

What a cool story!
DD you are hilarious. A perfect judge for this contest. So many people in snowy states that are bored and waiting for spring will jump on this one and keep the thread bumped up is my guess. Umm so I should start this today I guess,
Perchiegurl, your horse looks like one that belonged to my friend, so cute! (Ill stick to Haflingers, easier to get on
Katee is a goofball. I love her to death. 2000 lbs of greenbroke driving horse. Riding her is like riding a nimble locomotive. Her full brother is a War horse in a Reniassance reinactment group. I should get her a companion for up in the desert when I move back. Been day dreaming about Haflingers. Love everything about them Nice and stout Good at harness and small enough for this Arthritic behind to get up on occasionally.

Sigh finances are slim these days and I have to focus in on getting my chicken coop built so that I will have something to eat up there and maybe a little bit of income to supplement their keep and a couple of the goats.
KFChickenlady - Ha, what would you know about people being sick of snowy weather? You live in "sunny" California - right?? But your point is well taken.

Last night when I was sleeping, all these rules came to me for the contest. Too bad no one was in my dream to jot them down. But I will change the deadline for entries, I didn't think about February being such a short month. Model builders start your engines.

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