I'm so frustrated right now. I bought five new 2 day old chicks this past Saturday to replace the ones I lost to cocci 2 weeks ago. When they were 5 days old, I decided to use corid in the their water as a preventative. Everyone looked active, happy, and healthy. This morning I went to check on them and my new hampshire chick standing alone, fluffed out, and drooping. I've put her in a separate box with heat, corid water, and her regular food so she could get some rest without getting bumped or stepped on by the others. I tried syringe feeding her some pedialyte, but she wasn't interested and I wasn't able to get much into her 
Is there anything else I can do for her? Are there any other diseases/illness that have these symptoms? Could it be cocci?

Is there anything else I can do for her? Are there any other diseases/illness that have these symptoms? Could it be cocci?