* I think my boss is sick *

Whew. Thanks everyone. I'm beginning to unwind after all the tension. What I've been told is that Sr. got a shot of clot buter and immediately started to feel better. He told his wife he was ready to go back to work. :p

Jr. told me that at the big hospital they are going to look in his arteries to see if he needs a stint, which is what everyone is hoping for. But they may need to do a bypass, depending on the condition of his arteries.

He was getting aggravated because people were calling to check on him and he doesn't want a big deal to be made out of it. (He's so ornery!) If I know him, he's probably complaining about all the fuss that is being made.

I will post back when I hear more.

Men are just stubborn that way. My dad fell off the roof and hurt his back. He absolutly refused to go to the doctor. Said its just good brusing, and they cant do anything for it anyway. 10 years later he will now admit that he probably broke it, was stupid and seriously lucky LOL.

I wish the best for your boss and his family!

Got an update finally! The last couple of days have pretty much reported a whole lot of NOTHING.

The big hospital did find some damage to the back of his heart, but they caught him early, so his outlook is good. They did a heart cath today. Put in a balloon and a stint. I believe there is a little more blockage they want to work on later.

Boss Sr. will be spending a little more time in CCU. They are not sure, but think he may be coming home soon. But yesterday, the doctor told him he wouldn't be coming back to work for at least three weeks!!

The old guy has been trying to prepare Jr. for his retirement for a couple of years now. I wonder if, once he gets to stay home for three weeks and Jr. has a hand at running things himself, he might just decide to call it a job well done. Since he hired me almost 3 years ago, I have known that he was grooming me to completely look after the rental property so Jr. could focus on the other part of the business so Sr. could retire. So, that has always been my goal. To have him know that I can handle the office and the property so he can retire in peace.

But we're in no hurry to have him go home! He can hang around the office as long as he likes.


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