I think my hen has a broken leg


6 Years
Nov 8, 2013
On Wednesday my friend stopped by for a visit, and without thinking she let her lab out of the car. The dog immediately ran for the chickens, grabbing our white hen. When I ran around the corner, "Water" was pinned to the ground, feathers everywhere, making a horrible sound :( I grabbed her and noticed right away that her left foot was completely turned inward. I brought her in to the house, washed her foot in warm soapy water. I noticed a small amount of blood coming from the very outside of her ankle area... sort of from underneath the scales (you know what I mean?) I washed the foot in warm, soapy water, dried it, applied some antibiotic ointment, made a splint, straightened out the leg, then bandaged her up.

Yesterday I removed the bandage. The position looked good, still quite swollen and hot. Not much movement, but a little... none on her left leg, obviously. Eating, drinking and pooping without any issues.

Today her leg is very bruised, seems less swollen and not as hot.

What else should I be doing? Will she be ok?

Thank you in advance :)

I have a rooster that broke a leg when he was a young cockrel. Don't know how, just found him unable to walk. He was fine other than could not walk. I put him in a cage, lot of deep bedding and made sue the leg was straight. Thru the winter hs slowly got better and after a couple of months was able to go back with the flock. He still walks with a slight limp.

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