I think my kids are enjoying this too much.... :)

Little kids are so funny......
Your reading into it WAY too much. Its not the act of killing the chicken they loved so much. It was the quality time they spent with their parent(s) and the praise Im sure was heaped on them for doing such a good job. Kids want to feel helpful and involved. My daughter is 3 and she LIVES to help. Doesn't matter the job she wants to be involved so I make it a point to involve her anytime I can.

Why would your son be mortified over killing a chicken? Unless the meat is unused, then the chicken died for nothing. THAT is a reason to be mortified. Do you eat chicken? Does your son understand where the meat they eat comes from? Do you raise your own meat birds? Do you process any of your own birds? Do you eat chicken?

You're talking to yourself......still freaky and strange

I see nothing freaky or strange at all other than a failed attempt to belittle the OP.
My kids love helping to. I want them to know where their food comes from and to be thankful. I bought 6 geese in February--I had the guy do the deed; I'm not ready to do it yet. Brought home the huge birds. THe boys were glad to help pluck for all of 2 birds!!!!! LOL I was glad of the help. DH pitched in to, which encouraged the boys to give it another go. They did far more than I expected of a 7 and 8 yr old. While we eat meat, and are thankful for our food, my kids also love playing with Gods creatures and are very kind to animals, just like their dad. DH has sharp eyes and will spy a poor little rodent stuck at the curb of the road with no way to get up and over. DH pulls so many U-es that we don't even need to ask anymore!!! He's stopping to rescue a rodent. THey are all God's gifts. I think the AMerican Indians have it right--to say a prayer for the departed soul of the animal that is killed for food, hides and tools. Sorry for the rant. Most people don't get it. It took me a long time to get it , too. I try to teach my boys respect.
I think it's amazing how so many people are so distant from their food. If/when I ever have kids, they will learn the ropes from the beginning. We kill our food to eat it... plain and simple. Kids find enjoyment in anything no matter what it is, especially when it's quality time with their parents.

If you can't look something in the eyes while it's taking it's last breath at least once in your life, you don't deserve to eat it. That includes children too, it will teach them to clean up their plate too. I know I feel guilty leaving a chicken wing in the pan!

Strange and weird..... I'm not surprised and nor would I take offense to that if I was the OP.... because honestly to 90% of the public, killing an animal to eat it..... that's strange to them and it's even more weird to have your kids involved.

I started raising chickens when I was 13 and started processing chickens when I was about 15.... my family wanted nothing to do with it!! They did help process them and bag them ect. but rarely would they seek it out.... many of them ran! LOL.... to this day my family buy their meats at the store. I have to beg my Grandmother to take a dozen eggs and some breakfast links. They support what I do, but don't really believe in it I guess. So trust me, it's a little weird to the general public that you kill your own chickens. However, If I was you, I wouldn't change a thing and that note would make me smile...
,, but,

I agree!!! I was laughing out loud while reading that!!!!

Thanks to most everyone
for realizing that this was intended to be a light-hearted and funny post and also thanks to those of you agreeing with me on the subject! I would have never posted the note if I thought for a second my son was trying to be cruel. This was one of the best lessons I feel as though I have taught my kids and we spent quality time learning how and why we were doing it! And it's always funny to hear everyone else's stories too!
I processed my third batch of CX today, and it was the first time I'd done it with my almost 5 year old daughter at home. I talked to her about it, she understands that they die and we eat them, and she was very eager to watch. I had been really uncomfortable, thinking it would scare or upset her- but to my amazement, she understood what was going on, and while she felt bad for the birds, she was happy that we'd be having chicken in a couple days. She watched every part of it, from bleeding them out to skinning them, to gutting them and was fine. She ended up sneaking up behind me and grabbing a scrubbed chicken foot, which she attempted to take on the trampoline to show to her Carebear. While cracking up inwardly, I took the foot away. Chicken feet don't belong on the trampoline that my autistic son licks! LOL. I was just floored by Sierra's maturity, and her ability to reason that chickens have to die so that we can eat them. I explained why I did some of what I did, and that they did not suffer and she really listened and seemed interested. I'm proud of my little girl! My son would freak out though, he had a thing about blood, it really scares him.

Kids need to know how they get their meat and where it comes from, and why we choose to raise our own birds vs. buying the factory farmed variety.

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