I think my new auction bargain Australorps are egg-eaters


12 Years
Nov 19, 2007
I am really upset because I bought 6 black Australorps 3 weeks ago, and since then I find one egg eaten every day in the nests. I think someone may have sold me their egg-eating chickens.
I really do not want to make chicken stew and I'd rather keep them. Since they free-range I don't want to keep them in a pen, since it defeats the point of having free-rangers. I even put fake eggs in the nest but it hasn't stopped.

Should I re-sell them at auction with an "egg-eater" warning? any advice?
Maybe you could just lock them up all up and then let them out one at a time till you find the egg eater and take only that one to the auction or the stew pot? I don't know how many you got to start with..so I may be suggesting something outrageous here. Sorry if I am!!

Oh good! I was worried I'd suggested something by the 100's!
But five is totally do-able. If they won't lay in the new confined area, maybe you could also put one egg in with them as you let one out every day to see if you still have the egg eater in there as well as testing the ones OUT of there.

Good luck!!

Oh and don't forget to put a string or something temporary on their legs as you let them out so you don't keep retesting the same ones!

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