I think one of my chicks just died.


10 Years
Jan 7, 2010
Greenwood, SC
Oh, gees. It's so sad. I have 11 5-wk old silkies. These are our first chickens. I checked on them this morning and just made sure they were all moving around. I didn't really spend much time since we were going to church. This afternoon I went out to check on them and one of them was just lying there. It looked like she had blood/red on her feathers by her wings but I didn't see a wound. We wrapped her up and brought her in and she chirped a couple of times then a bunch (relatively speaking) of water came out of her beak. It looked like she was gasping and bubbles kept forming on her beak. And then nothing.

Any idea what happened? She seemed fine yesterday (or at least they all did). Is there anything special I need to do with the rest? Is this just part of raising chicks?

I guess a burial is in order for this afternoon.
I'm sorry. I"m learning that sometimes they just die. I had 3 chicks (the only ones that made it in the hatch from same person) all die on the same day within hours of each other at 1 week old. It's just a mystery. Everyone in the brooder with them are fine.

It's still hard every time one does, but I have to remember that there are umteen more that need my attention.
We didn't see a wound. My husband thinks it's not blood and just a reddish color on her wings. At least she died fast and with a little girl holding her. The others seem fine so far.
First, I am very sorry for your loss.

Stuff can happen to them - they can get stepped on - I had my loving dog try to play with mine and lost one. They could have some genetic issue....Sometimes we just don't know. Watch the others closely and be proactive if you think any are sick.

Again I feel your pain - it is awful to lose a little fuzzy friend.


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