I think we have Cocci

Very good to know...
What should I do? Keep giving them the Sulmet and wait for improvement, or stop and go look for this Corid stuff? I've already lost two pullets, don't want to lose anymore!
Thanks for all the helpful advice and of course for the support. I lost the one chick last night but so far, the second one is better, no more bloody poop. I have not noticed anyone else looking weak or not eating or anything. So maybe I caught it in time. I know what you mean about it being hard this time of year to keep everything clean and dry. It has been raining here alot. It seems to mostly be affecting the young babies here and they are on medicated feed. But with all the rain and mud, I guess it is just too much for the meds in the feed. I will continue the sulmet and hope for the best I guess. Just wondered if there was anything else I could do. No way to get them all on wire right now. So will just have to keep the bedding dry and clean out every few days. Hopefully I can get a grip on it. I have some babies in the house in a brooder that I will keep inside until all signs are over. I am also treating them for cocci just to be sure they are immune before putting them with the others later on. I just hate that it seems I am losing the best babies, the ones I would have kept. But I guess that is the way it works huh. Mostly silkies so far, I think one bantam cochin. Anyway, thanks again for the help and support. Hope everyone else gets a handle on this and that none of us lose any more babies.

Andora, Sulmet is only supposed to be used for about a week. If you are doing Sulmet, finish that course of it, then start them on Corid-it wont be as hard on their systems as Sulmet will, but do give them active culture plain yogurt once daily during the entire time.
Marie, I sure hope you dont lose anymore. I've never lost any to cocci, but then, I almost expect it so I'm on the lookout and treat at the first sign from anyone.
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So, Sulmet for 5-7 days, right? Is there a chance that the Sulmet will take care of the problem completely, or do I definitely have to get some Corid-it? Will DE do anything for them? I'll be sure to offer kefir or yogurt, my toddler is obsessed with both so we have plenty on hand...

Sorry I have so many questions. I've only owned these poor birds for a week. :| Lots to learn. Thanks for all the advice!
DE will do nothing except keep things dry, which is one of your goals in fixing the environment, however, it does nothing to actually treat disease, at least that's ever been proven by anyone. Sulmet is full dose for 2 days then 1/2 dosage for 4 days, per bottle instructions. I've heard you need to do it longer for best results however, sulfa drugs are quite hard on the system. Alternating drugs is the best thing to do for a difficult case of cocci.
I only read the top and then skipped to a reply so I hope I didn't miss anything. Ugh just had to go back and adde my apostrophy.
Anyway, you could also try putting some electrolytes and glucose in the water, that might help make the chicks stronger. And if they are smaller chicks: Well I know some people like to raise smaller chicks on wire bottomed cages so all the poo goes through. Even up to 4 - 5 months of age. I didn't think that was too cool when I first saw it but I am now thinking twice about it too.

eta: Oh another suggestion which I have been thinking about is getting hamster waterers, the kind you hang on the side of the cage, and the water drips out, for the chicks. I am trying to find them at rummage sales though because I see no sense in paying $7 for one waterer

eta: Then I liked to have my chicks outside to sun bathe and dust bathe, but that can lead to problems too it seems.
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Wow I didn't know you were not supposed to give vitamins. I have one pullet that I am hand feeding to make sure she gets enough nutrition. Maybe you could wet their feed and put a little yoghurt in it and watch to make sure they all eat.

It does seem like the best ones go.

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