I want to ask a question that has already been asked.

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No thats how we BUMP something we can't help with - but don't want the OP to be feeling totally IGNORED.... I've done it a few times myself!
You're right about that. On many forums it's a very taboo thing.

Most of the time it's someone bumping the post which is an honorable
thing to do. There, I said something nice.
Is this called flaming? Or is this just plain rude and insensitive? I don't think there's a rule to use prayers sparingly. And I certainly WANT to pray for anything anybody needs a prayer for.

I think Spatula is having a bad day.

We will all have to pray for Spatula to have a better day tomorrow.
Why do I hear monks singing hymns in my head??? What did you do to me

I really hate the morons that alway use 3 question marks.
I think Spatula is having a bad day.

We will all have to pray for Spatula to have a better day tomorrow.

someone must have crapped in his Cheerios this morning, but after thinking about it, most of his posts are like that so it must be an everyday thing. the power of prayer is a personal thing and I think it helps more then just the recipient, its a sharing thing and not just for one particular thing.
There ought to be some tutorial that you have to go through and answer quiz questions before being allowed to register. Like learning how to use the search function. Of course, it only works if you try ever possible way the words have been misspelled, too.
But if they had to read the rules and complete a quick and easy quiz before registering, maybe that would help. I dunno.
I don't mind the "what breed am I?" questions either, because I'm still learning, but I do roll my eyes every time I see a "my egg just pipped... how long before it hatches???" (note the 3?s...) question. Or "I've been putting all my eggs in the incubator because they're fertile and I don't want to kill a chicken... what do I do with them all???"

I guess the only thing that I really grumble about is that people don't type full sentences when they post, using punctuation, uppercase/lowercase letters, SPELL-CHECK, or they "text" when they post... that is THE single most annoying thing ever.

Bottom line is, this is a forum about chickens, for people who love their chickens and want to find answers to their problems or needs. We are all here to help each other, whether it's to find meds or to console someone that just lost their favorite bird, or congratulate them on a hatch well done.
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Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

There ought to be some tutorial that you have to go through and answer quiz questions before being allowed to register. Like learning how to use the search function. Of course, it only works if you try ever possible way the words have been misspelled, too.
But if they had to read the rules and complete a quick and easy quiz before registering, maybe that would help. I dunno.
I don't mind the "what breed am I?" questions either, because I'm still learning, but I do roll my eyes every time I see a "my egg just pipped... how long before it hatches???" (note the 3?s...) question. Or "I've been putting all my eggs in the incubator because they're fertile and I don't want to kill a chicken... what do I do with them all???"

I guess the only thing that I really grumble about is that people don't type full sentences when they post, using punctuation, uppercase/lowercase letters, SPELL-CHECK, or they "text" when they post... that is THE single most annoying thing ever.

Bottom line is, this is a forum about chickens, for people who love their chickens and want to find answers to their problems or needs. We are all here to help each other, whether it's to find meds or to console someone that just lost their favorite bird, or congratulate them on a hatch well done.

In all fairness the search function is not a simple thing. It usually returns nothing or
way too much. Some folks just aren't even aware of the search function.

It's all ok. Sometimes the best thing some of us older members can do is answer
a post with a reference to another post that answered the question.

I couldn't agree more that we are here to help each other, console, and congratulate.

Well said.​
I think the search button is a good tool and I try to use it (as a newbie) to learn. That said, it's nice to explain a problem with *your* chickens and get a personal response. Yes, there are older threads, but If you want to further discuss, it seems easier to start your own thread.

Now I'm all nervous asking a stupid question here.

Of course that shouldn't last long knowing me.

Please don't let us scare you... some of us are just a little cranky sometimes.
I've found it best to try a search, read all I can, but then if it still just doesn't quite answer the question, I'll post a new one, but not offended if someone just links to an earlier thread that I missed. Shoot, with almost a million topics (or is that threads?) it's hard NOT to miss something. Some of the questions are so simple, though, and asked so many times... it's hard not to wonder if someone just threw it out there without doing the research first. Other than emergencies, I'm guessing just about every question that COULD be asked, HAS been asked somewhere, sometime. That being said, it IS nice to be able to give the particulars on your situation, and have the expertise and knowledge of all these wonderful people at your disposal. I know I have learned a TON from this site, and learning every day.

So, ask away...
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