I want to ask a question that has already been asked.

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No thats how we BUMP something we can't help with - but don't want the OP to be feeling totally IGNORED.... I've done it a few times myself!

I stand corrected. I just hadn't thought of that since I had just visited some of the "fun" threads.

Now I'm increasing my posts without adding anything of worth.
Thats a really pretty name - sorry to blast in OT here!

Thank you Wildsky
It is pronounced...
Sha-re-a. But my mom thought is would be really cool to have all those vowels in there.
She is a 70's mom I have to forgive her.
Please folks. These aren't stupid questions but recurring questions. If we start calling them stupid questions we risk alienating members and potential members.

Chica, I haven't seen you post any stupid questions. I don't even remember who posts the recurring questions. Probably most of us at one time or another.

A stupid question would be what kind of chicken has feathers?

I almost put 3 ?s.
How 'bout the ones that are more like "I want to ask a question but I'm not going to tell you what it is".

For instance "What kind of coop would be good for my situation (which I'm not going to tell you what it is)",

or "What hatchery should I order from (but I'm not going to tell you that I live outside the U.S.)",

or "Should I plan to insulate my coop and/or use a heatlamp in winter (now use your crystal ball to figure out where I live)"

No such thing as a stupid question. Most people who tell you "that's a stupid question" usually don't know the answer themselves. Questions like "why is grass green?" actually have amazing and complicated answers. Asking stupid questions is how you find out random facts... then people think you know everything... I found this out from experience. Having people think you know everything isn't always a good thing... sorry, getting off topic! Bottom line: stupid questions are good.

What really bothers me is how in Online Poultry Show (where I spend most of my time) people make two, three, even FOUR of the same contest... at the same time. Like how there's three different "funny chicken" contests going on right now. And the "anything goes" contests, usually called Random Poultry Shows, those really get me because you're not showing a specific trait. It's not... real enough for me. But of course that's just me. Thanks for listening.

And keep up the "stupid questions."
My biggest complaint is the overuse of ALL CAPS, especially when being rude to a poster. That being said, I LOVE Backyard Chickens Forum! In fact, people, my ISP was down all day yesterday and I'm trying to catch up on all the postings when I should be cleaning my house for my guests who will be arriving in 4 HOURS!
Mostly the repeated questions don't bother me, as much as those subject lines that don't give a HINT of whats inside.

I get so ANNOYED when I see those, I've stopped clicking on them as much as possible.
As proof of how ineffective vague thread titles are, I have ignored this thread for days because the title was so dumb. I only finally clicked on it because I'm so bored right now that I'd click on anything.
As proof of how ineffective vague thread titles are, I have ignored this thread for days because the title was so dumb. I only finally clicked on it because I'm so bored right now that I'd click on anything.

Finally, a voice of reason in an insane world!
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