I want to convince my mom to get a chick but she doesn’t like 💩 . Theres no place for it outside. What can I do?


In the Brooder
Sep 10, 2022
I wants to convince my mom to get a chick but she doesn’t like 💩 . Theres no place for it outside. What can I do? I told her If I get the money for all the needs would she let me, she said yes but she doesn’t seem very enthusiastic about that. ( she has rescued a chicken from the road before and she loved it but it lived outside.)
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The implication being you would get a single chick and keep it inside the house its entire life? That is a terrible idea!

First of all, chickens are very social animals that prefer their own species for socialization. A single chick will be miserable. They are best suited to groups of no fewer than three chickens.

Second of all, chickens produce an unbelievable amount of dust, and they poop a LOT. They are NOT meant to be indoor creatures and they'll be much happier living outside than in the house anyway, as they'll have bugs to chase, grass to forage through, sunshine to bask in, etc. If you have nowhere to put them outside, then you really, really shouldn't get chickens.

Your mom is 100% right to say no. Please read more about chickens and their care, and reconsider getting them until you know more about them and have the appropriate housing, that is a coop outside, to keep them in.
The implication being you would get a single chick and keep it inside the house? That is a terrible idea!

First of all, chickens are very social animals that prefer their own species for socialization. A single chick will be miserable. They are best suited to groups of no fewer than three chickens.

Second of all, chickens produce an unbelievable amount of dust, and they poop a LOT. They are NOT meant to be indoor creatures and they'll be much happier living outside than in the house anyway, as they'll have bugs to chase, grass to forage through, sunshine to bask in, etc. If you have nowhere to put them outside, then you really, really shouldn't get chickens.

Your mom is 100% right to say no. Please read more about chickens and their care, and reconsider getting them until you know more about them and have the appropriate housing, that is a coop outside, to keep them in.
I wants to convince my mom to get a chick but she doesn’t like 💩 . Theres no place for it outside. What can I do? I told her If I get the money for all the needs would she let me, she said yes but she doesn’t seem very enthusiastic about that. ( she has rescued a chicken from the road before and she loved it but it lived outside.)
You really need to listen to your mom. Chickens are not house pets and they need to be outdoors.
Besides, you have no idea just how much they do poo!!!
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Hey HopelessChick! If you are new here, welcome! Please disregard any harsh replies, that is not at all the normal tone of this community. I hope you'll stay with us to learn and have fun!

I do agree that chickens are happiest in groups and that they have high social needs, and that they are also quite messy animals. But you could always spend the time researching, as suggested by other posters, so once you have more space outside you can launch into chicken keeping armed with tons of knowledge on how to best make them happy and keep them healthy.

It is so hard to be patient. I waited over 10 years to be in the right place to start a flock. I hope things work out much sooner for you. All the best! :hugs

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