I want to encourage breeders to become N.P.I.P. certified.

No right or wrong here in my opinion. Some find it beneficial others do not. I for one like the program here in colorado. I am 30 minutes from the University, they are the ones that do the testing. It gives me some cost breaks on necropsy if needed and access to the students and the vet on a first name basis. Here they do the AI testing and in fact charge less (free) if you allow the AI testing. 12.00 dollars if you do not do the AI. They also did a Salmonella screening. I liked everything about the program here.

I do not think it provides me or others that buy from me any real security, just information. It does I think help a bit if you are advertising birds to be able to indicate that you are NPIP, not that most have any idea what that means.

I am curious about those that link it to some kind of animal identification program, this program was started in the 30's when Pulloram was a very big deal.

I even had one of the students call me a couple of times to see if they could give someone my contact information, because someone had called them looking for some pullets. They did not give out the information without my permission
I find it interesting how many people are worried about the government knowing what you do. Are you aware that in the face of a disease outbreak they CAN come and kill all your birds, whether they are registered or not. They have done it before and they will again. And just because you practice good biosecurity, if your neighbor doesn't it could mean your birds are at risk. Generally if a disease of concern pops up, they'll kill all birds in a certain radius. And they don't care about most diseases, but if a bird flu that can spread to people shows up, we're all in trouble.

I don't know that NPIP is the answer, but it will only take one major disease outbreak on shipped birds to put an end to shipping live birds. I agree that it does give people a false sense of security, but there really should be a disease monitoring program.
If diseases are a big concern, surely we could get a vet certification letter with the birds being shipped. That would not be a problem if the airlines and USPS want to enforce it but they do not have the manpower to do so.

And again if diseases were to be in our flocks, some of us practice bio security or whatever measures we must do to keep our birds healthy, we would be looking at eradicate wild birds for carrying diseases. It is a risk we all have to face one time or another, hopefully it would not happen if measures have been taken. Look at the zoos, thousands of people coming in the petting zoo, carrying all kinds of diseases and germs, it is a wonder why it has not killed off any of the animals there at the zoo. So they must be doing something right. Sure they do quarantine and vet check all incoming animals and when they get the green light, they would go to the exhibits.

So doing ourselves a favor, it is UP to us to monitor our birds health and well being making sure there are no serious diseases among the flock by practicing bio security or limit visitors. The commercial farms are the ones that are the bad guys with their practices even flies or mostiquoes would have access to their facilities and pass it down to wild birds and nearby farmer's chickens. Everyone is at risk.
Those tests are only good on the day they are administered. So unless we are testing everyday, then what is the point?
I refuse to live in constant fear. I also refuse to bow to every whim that says vax and medicate for everything under the sun.
You could not go to any commercial farm, or any place that maintains animals health by vax and antibiotics, and take all of them off those things, because most of them would die.

Contrast that with animals that are treated properly, allowed full outdoor access and only real food. Vet care is rarely needed, because all the animals enjoy natural immune systems, and are generally able to fight off junk that comes in with ease.

Which system is it that causes the need for constant testing and iradication in times of distress?
Not wanting to sound bad, I will remind folks that our Government is not here to help us, it is here to assist the big producers make more money, CONTROL the food is the plan, Under the guise of many "GOOD SOUNDING" programs. Control the food and you control the people. So, if your healthy flock gets tested, and suddenly comes sick. MUST BE DESTROYED. It isnt the first time Vectors get spread by government folks. I am a soil consultant, and have seen perfectly CLEAN soils become contaminated by the STATE AG DEpt guy. driving their trucks thru a clean area, vectors from the trucks drop on to the ground and infection ensues. Then more regulations and fines. If you want to get your flock tested for disease, then do it, but dont rely on the FREE govt program. Control of the waterways is being grasped at every day, soon fishing (recreational) will be controlled. ( as a land owner with a lake, I am aware of the legislation in California that is trying to take control of my property, fish, and water as I have been to court to defend my rights as a property owner but that is another topic)
But Lemmings will be Lemmings. Watch out for the bottom of the cliff. PLUS, a home farmer has to have EACH one of his chickens marked, where as F F only needs one for all the birds in one building.
You said it!!
And OH the fishing stuff
We live in Alaska, and are involved in that fight that involves "them" assisting "us" in losing our rights to fish.
It used to be that the vet would isolate himself if he visited a farm that had infections disease on it. He would strive to make sure he and his conveance did not go near any other farm until the trouble was taken care of!

I have seen the bootied feet of inspectors step back into their cars and head off for another farm.
I dont agree with shipping eggs or chicks its too stressfull whats the big deal ? its just my observation that it kills a lot of baby chickens I could find you mortality rates in shipped chicks im sure the number of dead is in the tens of thousands at least
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