I want to encourage breeders to become N.P.I.P. certified.

Death in shipped chicks, I would bet that more chicks die at the hatchery than in shipping. Look at the numbers. Chicks die, whether hatchery grown, or farm grown, Chicks die. Npip is just a way of getting into our pockets, and creating a data base for future pains. When has the govt done something that helped the small flock grower? Govt builds its empire on big business, they suck of of each other. Just saying.
Just stumbled on this anti gov thread and hoping to rile up some more input :)
It would possibly take a somewhat life changing event to persuade someone who is pro NPIP to a different stance so I won't try. I won't debate that the program once served a greater cause, but in this day and age it falls just short of worthless. Maybe the poultry giants have their lobbyist working hard to protect all chickens, everywhere!! I doubt if anyone would bet their flock on it though
I choose to do the NPIP testing. Its easier at show time. However, again this cattleman came out and failed to wear rubber boots or use a pan to sanitize his boots in. So I am out about $30+, have my NPIP recertification and only 25% of my breeders had to be tested. Its 25% because we swab the incubator. Now I can sell to anyone and attend any swap on a short notice without testing anything.

I would still recommend becoming NPIP to anyone who shows, sales hatching eggs or sales at swaps etc very often. Otherwise, you must retest anything, including baby chicks, every 90 days to sale at waps etc.

I also plan on becoming NPIP certified as soon as I finish collecting the breeds I want, why? Because that way I can legally sell birds and eggs across state lines. Selling stuff helps offset the cost of raising birds, which lets me keep more birds and hatch more birds to improve and promote purebred poultry instead of garbage. Across state lines is huge even if you don't ship if you live close to a border, or attend shows and swaps in multiple states. I also show and will make things easier there.

It's not a foolproof against all diseases, of course not, but I would rather buy from an NPIP flock as well just because at least it's free from what they do test for and it shows that the person who owns the flock cares enough about poultry and is serious enough about it to have it done.
Not wanting to sound bad, I will remind folks that our Government is not here to help us, it is here to assist the big producers make more money, CONTROL the food is the plan, Under the guise of many "GOOD SOUNDING" programs. Control the food and you control the people. So, if your healthy flock gets tested, and suddenly comes sick. MUST BE DESTROYED. It isnt the first time Vectors get spread by government folks. I am a soil consultant, and have seen perfectly CLEAN soils become contaminated by the STATE AG DEpt guy. driving their trucks thru a clean area, vectors from the trucks drop on to the ground and infection ensues. Then more regulations and fines. If you want to get your flock tested for disease, then do it, but dont rely on the FREE govt program. Control of the waterways is being grasped at every day, soon fishing (recreational) will be controlled. ( as a land owner with a lake, I am aware of the legislation in California that is trying to take control of my property, fish, and water as I have been to court to defend my rights as a property owner but that is another topic)
But Lemmings will be Lemmings. Watch out for the bottom of the cliff. PLUS, a home farmer has to have EACH one of his chickens marked, where as F F only needs one for all the birds in one building.

I could not agree more. The gov't is never in the business of helping us. Control is all they are about. We homeschool and of course the gov't doesn't like that either. At least our kids will be able to think for themselves instead of being gov't controlled brainwashed bots.

Think they are bad with the poultry, try getting raw milk. Another thing the gov't flips their lids about. If most folks knew what was done to milk before it's sent to the store they would never touch it. Love my milk that changes colors with the seasons. Taste, the amount of cream, etc. But the powers that be treat those who want it and those who sell it like criminals.
I just received my NPIP certification last week... first in the great state of Alaska.
It took over a year to get it. Not sure why, but after 3 submissions of paperwork and rounds of testing, I finally have it. Was it worth it? I'll let you know.
I hear that NPIP certification makes your chickens and your eggs taste better. If you aren't eating the meat or the eggs you probably won't notice much difference.
Boy, that was a very old post.
Back then I had an actual business, and was shipping eggs all over the place, including Hawaii. NPIP, and then some, was necessary.

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