I want to incubate eggs but fear roosters

My flock of 40 is approximately half roosters. I brought them into this world and I feel responsible for caring for them properly. As someone else said don’t bring animals or birds into this world if half of them are going to be ‘inconvenient’ to you. Buy already sexed chicks. Respect the lives of all animals.
My flock of 40 is approximately half roosters. I brought them into this world and I feel responsible for caring for them properly. As someone else said don’t bring animals or birds into this world if half of them are going to be ‘inconvenient’ to you. Buy already sexed chicks. Respect the lives of all animals.
I totally get what you mean about respecting the lives of animals but by only buying sexed chicks all you are doing is letting someone else deal with the roosters, which in all likelihood most will still be culled or eaten, you just aren't the one dealing with it. I personally would prefer to handle the roosters myself, atleast I know they had a good life before we make the decision to slaughter them. It does make me sad to do it but it's likely better than what the chicken we buy at the store suffered through.
I respect all of God's creatures and am thankful that red junglefowl existed on this earth. But, modern chickens are not wild junglefowl, they are domesticated livestock.. Domestic livestock are born into this world for one purpose; to serve man so man can better serve God. Were it not for domestic livestock man would still be having to hunt down and kill God's wild creatures to meet our God-given omniverous dietary needs.

Human veganism is a relatively new phenomenon in most of the world. Perhaps veganism is the direction of human evolution. That would be good but we're not there yet and domesticated animals are the bridge to that end.
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I've been trying to increase hen count this summer by letting hens hatch a few eggs. Terrible odds, out of 10 chicks that have been old enough to tell, 7 have been roosters! I'm keeping 1 that was most handsome & the rest I've offered for free on Craigslist & found takers. I put "he doesn't fight & don't want to be invited to dinner, good home only!" But you can only hope for the best for them. I did notice a lot less calls after I put "good home only" though
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My flock of 40 is approximately half roosters. I brought them into this world and I feel responsible for caring for them properly. As someone else said don’t bring animals or birds into this world if half of them are going to be ‘inconvenient’ to you. Buy already sexed chicks. Respect the lives of all animals.
That’s why i asked what else i could do with them that’s not culling them. I can not have roosters where i live thanks .
As the title states, I want to try to incubate eggs (bought from hatchery) but fear roosters (not allowed to have them) …. so i’m asking what would i do with the roosters hatched?
I know someone who sells young pullets after raising them himself. He sells them to people who want to eat them. If you can't bear that thought, give them away, so.eo e wi take them.
I've had pretty bad ratios hatching my own eggs. Out of two sets of 10, I got 6 roosters from the first batch and 9(!!) from the second. Once it was clear they were roosters, I donated them to a local raptor rehabilitation center, where they were humanely euthanized and used to feed injured or human-raised birds of prey. I think that was an excellent option, and might work for you if you can't cull them yourself.

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