I want to see YOUR fishtanks!


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
I'm sitting here looking at my ten gallon with a lone betta fish swimming around. I've waited one week so far for it to cycle and waiting is very very difficult! I just want to put other fish into to it, but I want to do things right and so I wait.

I would LOVE to see pictures of your fish tanks! I'm hoping to aquascape mine with a western theme. Once I get some money and my plants establish themselves, it should look awesome!

If you post a picture, tell us what kind of fish you have, what size tank, how long you've had it, and what plants (if any) you have!
This 1st pic is our clients' tank. It's a 280 gallon freshwater, mixed Malawi African Cichlid set-up. Plants include two types of Anubius (large and small leaved), Cryptocorenes and several different typed of Java Ferns (all low-light plants).


We've been servicing this tank for 5+ years. When we first started taking care of it, it was a fish-only saltwater set-up (no corals, live rock or sand).


We have 3 tanks at home. Here's our re-established 38g saltwater reef. Just got it rehabitated in Aug. '07. It is home to 2 True Percula Clowns, live rock, live sand. Coral fragments include: Striped Mushrooms, Yellow Colony Polyps, Xenia, Brown Button Colony Polyps and Hairy Mushroom.


Will post pix of the other two tanks when I find them.

I miss my fish tanks! Had to give most of mine up.
Still have my 40 gal. hexagon that I have to repair the silicone on.
I have about 50 african albino clawed frogs I raised from eggs and need to put in a bigger tank and find homes for.
If anyone here lives near me, and likes froggies, they are free to good homes.
Here are my two saltwater one. Not much in them.

60 gallon Hexagon

My cleaner shrimp


And my Oceanic Biocube. Has a frogspawn coral, green star polyps, and a small lawnmower blenny.

Sorry if they look a little funky. I'm looking to get a few snails. Each has hermit crabs and Nassarius snails in them. The 60 gallon also has a clownfish, a yellowtail damsel and a Blue Hepatus Tang. I'm also wanting more live rock in the larger one. These were also taken about 2-3 weeks ago, so they do look a "little" cleaner.
Well, here is mine! Its not the best photo, but it works. Its a 55 gallon, I've had it for about a year now. It just has assorted cichlids in it, not even positive what kind. They came with the tank. I have no live plants, just a mess of fake ones. They're fun to just watch, especially when my one female would raise babies and keep them in her mouth.

Here's my tank: We have a 55 gallon with some tetras, a bala shark and a mollie in it right now. We used to have some very handsome angels but we lost the last one not long ago. Someday I want a salt tank but they tell me they're a lot of work so maybe when I don't have all these kids to take care of I can devote a little extra time to fish kids.....

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