I was attacked tonight...


Lone Star Call Ducks
10 Years
Aug 3, 2009
...and I'm still shaking from the horrific experience.
Here's what got me...

He grabbed me by the hem of my jeans and shook like a dog would.
Isn't he terrifying?
My Cayuga drake Louie has grabbed my sleeve, tugged it and shook it like a rat terrier does a squeaky toy. I guess I wasn't handing out the BOSS to him quickly enough.

My GOODNESS, Louie! Patience.
This duck HATES me! I'm glad he can't handle a weapon or he'd murder me.
Wonder if it has to do with the fact that I snuggle him against his will? The more he attacks me, the more I pick him up and cuddle him...oh the shame!
Mr. Butter does the same thing, but I keep holding him against his will, too!

He broke skin yesterday and I started bleeding. I put him down and went to go wash it under warm water since I didn't want to chance anything.

The more he keeps nibbleing me when I pick him up the more I hold him!
Baxter likes to grab my nose, lips, ears, a teeny piece of skin on my neck...glad he doesn't have fangs!

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