I was so upset about fainted


11 Years
Apr 6, 2008
N.E. Pa.
I got home from work, went out to gather my eggs, I looked over at the pen with the youngens in it and seen some chickens walking around. Looked at the tweener pen , it was empty. 17 chicks were on the loose, for how long I don't know. Had a time catching them but finally succeeded. Whew. Thank God no predators came around.
Had the same thing happen just this evening! Mine free range and I could see all the big hens but none of the little guys. Looked everywhere...started to panic...found the little boogers under my pepper plants all lying down and asleep.
I went down to check the eggs yesterday and noticed the hen with the chicks was not in the pen I thought what the so I look over my shoulder and seen them strutting out through the yard still haven't figured it out how they got out!

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