IA here

Hi all,

This spring I would like to purchase chicks locally, I am looking for Buff Orphingtons, Blue Cochins, Buff Brahmas and possibly Black Copper Marans.

:) LMK if anyone has these breeds.
Although I lost a couple weak ones I hatched all 38:

Can't help you with your list Neilson, but I think you really want some Iowa Blues!

How can you resist?

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Oh dear Kari,

I am such a sucker for new babies! LOL. How is their temperment? I have EE's and Wyandottes. My EE's are very docile and don't tend to stand of for themselves when the Wyans get on them. I might talk hubby into a couple...hehe.
These birds are pretty tough. They aren't the best pets in my experience, unless you handle them a lot , but they won't hesitate to fight a hawk or beat up your cats if they get too nosey
These birds are pretty tough. They aren't the best pets in my experience, unless you handle them a lot , but they won't hesitate to fight a hawk or beat up your cats if they get too nosey

Actually we do handle them quite a bit, my kids especially. I would probably only want two for now. I know my hubby is not thrilled that I am planning on getting more chickens this year. But really, he has no say. I built most of the coop without his help and I clean and take care of the chickens. And he eats the eggs, so poo on him LOL!

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