IA here

Oh no! Hope your original flock remains healthy. I had a similar situation back in July. A lady from Nebraska was selling pullets and young hens. I bought two SLW from her and one EE. She was driving to Iowa and we met half way, so I wasn't able to see her other birds/pens/coops. On the way home one of the SLW was sneezing. I immediately had a bad feeling. I get them home and all three go into quarantine. The next day the same bird that was sneezing began to have a rattle when she breathed. Also, all three had a good case of lice. I messaged the lady and asked her if any of her birds had been sick, she said no. Ha! I asked her if I drove the 3 hour drive to return the birds if she would take them back. She said no. So, I was stuck with three sick birds. All three birds ended up sneezing and rattling. My husband ended up culling them for the safety of my current flock. I had a very strong suspicion of MG.

Lesson learned. Do not buy birds off of Craigslist! From there on I vowed I would only purchase eggs and day old chicks.


Thanks for the replies on County Line Hatchery. I won't be showing birds, but I am wanting some good looking girls. I'm really wanting to go with a breeder, but I can't find someone right now who either has stock or who is willing to sell to me. =(

Wow, I am also sorry for your experience!! People will do alot of things to make a buck
Oops, this phone!! to end what I was saying, yes lesson learned I will also be doing te same, day old chicks from a reliable source...provided our other hens havent somehow beem contaminated and my husband totally loses his patience with my project =)
Ottbjumper, I'm looking for friendly layers. So far I have a Buff Orphington, a Light Brahma, an Easter Egger, and a Black Australorp. They all get along extremely well even though the BO was a later addition, so friendliness is a top requirement. I do have a soft spot for fluffy feathers and unusually colored eggs though, so a Marans, an Easter Egger, a Cochin or another Brahma woudn't go amiss. ;)
I managed to keep my flock safe from illness. Whew! Thank goodness I'm out on an acreage and used an old outbuilding that is far, far away from my coop/run. I just knew my flock was going to get sick, but apparently I did something right. =) The listing on Craigslist was from a lady in Rosa, Nebraska. So if anyone sees an ad on there from Rosa, Nebraska in the future, I would advise to avoid like the plague.

And you're right, people will do anything to make a buck. I honestly believe people know they have sick chickens and choose to make them someone else's problem. Numerous times I see an entire flock for sale that **must** be sold together, and it always makes me wonder. I know that illness isn't always the case, but when someone experiences what we've gone through I'm pretty sure it raises suspicion for most of the ads on there.

How are your birds? Any improvement? Did you contact the seller about the infection?
Ottbjumper, I'm looking for friendly layers. So far I have a Buff Orphington, a Light Brahma, an Easter Egger, and a Black Australorp. They all get along extremely well even though the BO was a later addition, so friendliness is a top requirement. I do have a soft spot for fluffy feathers and unusually colored eggs though, so a Marans, an Easter Egger, a Cochin or another Brahma woudn't go amiss. ;)

I have some EE's. Where are you located?
I am glad to hear your flock was ok!! That gives me hope. I feel like ive been staring out the window watching for any sneezing all day =S we ended up euthanizing the newbies when my husband got home..which was sad but was the only choice we really had unfortunately..live and learn! I never got an answer bavk from the seller surprise of all surprises huh!! My guess is thats why he was selling them and I didnt know any better. Ive had chickems since I was in high school and never encountered such a thing, so now I know. And through your experiemce and mine, and others, hopefully we can make everyone more aware!!
I learned a lesson the hard way. My wife had a friend with chickens brake up with her boyfriend and had to move out with no where to keep them. I stupidly took them in and in about 2 weeks every one of mine where sneezing. I looked a lot nd found that I could give them antibiotic i gave them all shots of tylan. And after a bit they all got better. But it was a lot of work
I learned a lesson the hard way. My wife had a friend with chickens brake up with her boyfriend and had to move out with no where to keep them. I stupidly took them in and in about 2 weeks every one of mine where sneezing. I looked a lot nd found that I could give them antibiotic i gave them all shots of tylan. And after a bit they all got better. But it was a lot of work

So sorry for your experience! Good intentions huh!! We debated on doing tylan but want to expand our flck and didnt want to be dosing them evertime it flaired up...in case our main hens do get it...how often or if ever do the symptoms flare up?

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