IA here

Are they acting OK otherwise? If so I wouldn't worry, though it does seem odd. My birds do change their habits at times but usually they roost unless they are sick.
OK so i have posted this in a few spots and no body's been responding to it, but i know i can trust my fellow Iowan's to come through for me

I'm having the same issue with my chickens 8 RIR that are 10 weeks old. I moved them into there coop at 6 weeks. Then at 9 weeks i gave them access to there run. Open the coop every morning at 6ish then leave them be for awhile. when i come back at 8 or 9ish i put them in the run and shut the door, the food is in the run the water is in the run as well as the grit.

now i go back out every few hours and carry then to the food and water they then eat and drink, and i feed them scratch from my hands. they are very friendly and not really afraid of people and some will follow me around the run.

then i open the coop before about an hour or two before dark. they all go inside, but don't use the roost, ( 24" off the ground 12' apart 1' & 2' diameter dowels) but then we put the on the roots they will stay tell the morning.

this is a pic of them hiding they will do this all day

Question 1. Now i have been keeping the food and water and stuff out side, should i put it all back in side? I'm afraid they aren't eating or drinking enough!! i don't want them to became malnourished or dehydrated.

Question 2. Should i not lock them out of the coop all day? I don't want to be mean but i want them out in the nice weather, and to get over there fears.

Question 3. Should i keep putting them on the roost's? I made the mistake not getting them roost's tell 9 or 8 weeks old. I just made small 2" tall 1" diameter roost's for my 4 week old RIRs i will not make the same mistake twice.

Any suggestions?
I just want them to be happy and healthy and safe thanks so much
OK so i have posted this in a few spots and no body's been responding to it, but i know i can trust my fellow Iowan's to come through for me

I'm having the same issue with my chickens 8 RIR that are 10 weeks old. I moved them into there coop at 6 weeks. Then at 9 weeks i gave them access to there run. Open the coop every morning at 6ish then leave them be for awhile. when i come back at 8 or 9ish i put them in the run and shut the door, the food is in the run the water is in the run as well as the grit.

now i go back out every few hours and carry then to the food and water they then eat and drink, and i feed them scratch from my hands. they are very friendly and not really afraid of people and some will follow me around the run.

then i open the coop before about an hour or two before dark. they all go inside, but don't use the roost, ( 24" off the ground 12' apart 1' & 2' diameter dowels) but then we put the on the roots they will stay tell the morning.

this is a pic of them hiding they will do this all day

Question 1. Now i have been keeping the food and water and stuff out side, should i put it all back in side? I'm afraid they aren't eating or drinking enough!! i don't want them to became malnourished or dehydrated.

Question 2. Should i not lock them out of the coop all day? I don't want to be mean but i want them out in the nice weather, and to get over there fears.

Question 3. Should i keep putting them on the roost's? I made the mistake not getting them roost's tell 9 or 8 weeks old. I just made small 2" tall 1" diameter roost's for my 4 week old RIRs i will not make the same mistake twice.

Any suggestions?
I just want them to be happy and healthy and safe thanks so much

No, I wouldn't lock them out of the coop. Mine spend much of the day inside to escape the sun, but I water them outside so they do have to go out. They like to be out in the early morning and evening, but venture out every couple of hours to get a drink and nibble some grass. They really can't tolerate the heat of the day in full sun. If they are healthy, they won't starve or dehydrate themselves. So that's my advice for #1 Food inside, water outside #2: leave the coop open. They are pretty young to be as brave as you are expecting. They are still young and feel vulnerable. They feel safer on the ground as well. They will roost on their own before long, but if you want to keep picking them up it won't hurt them
I have some 3 month olds that still prefer to snuggle in a pile on the ground.
Would anybody want 8 one week old cross-bred chicks? I've been having a few incubator issues and was working them out with eggs that came from my layer flock. I'm located in Manly, but am going to Mason City Tuesday. Please pm me for details and more info.
They're a package of skittles; a little bit of everything!
Haha, I know how you feel! The hens are Easter Eggers and Barred Rocks, and the two roosters are a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana and a Silver Iowa Blue. I've kept a few from this pen before... the hens are great layers and the cockerels turn out huge!
I bet they are just lovely looking, too! I do adore my Easter Eggers and crosses there-of. How much do you want for them or are you just looking to rehome? And what time would you be in Mason City? I'm actually in Algona, but make the trip to Mason City every Tuesday.

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