IA here

Welcome Melissa, I live between Cedar Rapids and Fairfax. Sometimes we camp at Walnut Acres. I can hardly wait for spring. This winter has been too long. I just hatched 2 buff orpington chicks, 1 more in the hatcher. It was iffy, so I'm not sure if it will hatch. Today is the actual hatch date, so I might leave it in the incubator for a couple more days. I have 5 eggs that will hatch next week. I started with 17, but only 5 grew. These are tests on my rooster's fertility. I would like to sell hatching eggs. Try to stay warm ... Mary
Nice to hear from so many so close! My DH would kill me if we got another dog, much as I would love to!
Call ducks though are a differn't story We were given three a drake and two old hens last year. We adored them and my DH was devistated when he backed over his favorite hen. Then the other dissapererd now we just have our lone Joseph a beautiful White drake and a Runner Duck hen. They are quite the combination! She is young and has just started laying eggs. IS it possible for them to breed??? He seems to little.

ANyway we would be interested in a couple call ducklings if any one had extra. Was thinking of buying ducks this year but Do not want 10 like you have to order from a hatchery.

Also anyone want or know of someone who might want some beautiful Bantam Roos and a Silky Mix Roo. WOuld be willing to give a bantam hen away if anyone wanted a rooster We just have too Many Roosters!

Nice meeting all of you I think this is my new favorite Thread!.

Melissa I'm in shock my dh is allowing another dog. I think my son got to him with a boy and his dog saga. Dh also told him to wait until school is out. Well we don't get out until June now so I wonder if dh is hoping he forgets about it. lol

Hmm I don't know about them breeding. I guess you will find out. I'll gladly share ducklings. I have four eggs now but she seems to have stopped laying or she is hiding them better.

I might have to say no to the roosters. My kids keep wanting to keep them. What kind of bantam roos do you have? I lost my golden laced cochin and a quail belgian d'uccle roos this winter.

I'm so excited. UPS just delivery my new incubator.

Got to go!
Glad we keep getting more and more Iowegians on board:) I know someone on board mentioned maybe a chicken stock at the waverly swap this spring. The swap looks like it is april 6th this year, that is what the website for waverly has posted-real early this year. Could be fun.
I would love to go to the Waverly Swap but that is the weekend my inlaws are coming.

My chicks from Cackle arrived safe and sound this morning. I ordered 75 and they sent me 79.

Heat wave this weekend!! Yippee. BUT monday and tuesday do not sound good with rain, freezing rain and snow. Ugh. Will winter ever end. At least I have chicks to make it feel a little more springlike.
Well I would love some little call ducks!! and I am not sure how far Waverly is but when I told my DH he didn't say NO way so I think I might be able to get there. Would anyone who has call ducks be taking and little babies there??? And how much do you all sell ducklings for?? Also If i took some of our banty hens and roosters do you think i could get rid of them??
I have never been to a chicken swap before.

Has anyone heard how much snow and ice we are suppose to get?? Seems like I haven't been able to get to work for a whole week in a while now. I am sooo Sick OF SNOW! as Im sure all of you are as well.

Have a great Saturday everyone:D I will be ordering our spring chicks today I'm so excited. (Don't know how I'm going to wait till May27th for them to get here though)
Hey Melissa,
I see you are about 45 minutes to an hour away from me. I have 2 baby calls right now that are about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks old. Cant remember when they hatched..lol I will also be getting more eggs hopfully soon.. My fingers are crossed for any day now. I now also have 3 tiny hens instead of 1. I am not sure what I want for them yet.. I suppose about 4 each. I dont know thier sex but as they get older and I can sex them I will want more for them of course. I will probably bring them to Waverly. The only thing is they are brother and sister so It would help to have other nonrelateds to go with them. Jenn
Tamie in Elma Iowa Checking in.

This weather has me down!

It was nice enough to open the door to the coop today. Some of the birds came out, but most still stayed in. I have never seen so much snow (coming from Tennessee). I really hope that Spring comes soon. I have 4 little babies hatch this weekend, and I got my eggs from the egg swap on Friday. It was unexpected and exciting. I can not wait to see what I have gotten.

I am keeping my eye on the swaps that will show up around here. I don't think anyone is too motivated right now, the snow looks like it is never ending.

I live on Highway 63 and I was thinking of having a swap in our yard this year. I am not sure if my husband will sign off on it yet.

Keep warm out there.

Hi Tamie I am not too far from you in Charles City. winter has got to be over soon!!! Tired of it and the coop needs cleaning and dog poo needs picked up hard to scoop when it is frozen in snow or melts down:eek:YUCK
I think this winter has everyone down. Then I heard the updated weather. They are talking freezing rain and up to 8 inches of snow. March just has to be better. I'm tired of treading across ice to get to the chickens. I agree it was nice to open the doors so they could get some more sunshine in. Our pony and goats actually came out yesterday. Lets all pray and keep our fingers crossed that they are wrong about the upcoming storm.

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