IA here

Eric I'm am very sad to tell you that I just found Chubby's mom (Bubby) dead in the coop
She was fine yesterday, so I'm not sure what happened to her. She was one of my original chickens and I will miss her.
Hi Steph;
Saw you were online... Sorry to hear about Bubby. I remember how I felt when I lost Mrs. Chicken. No, not Lora, the real Mrs. Chicken... Some people think it silly to mourn the loss of a chicken but when they are your pets too it can hurt just as much.
How many years did you have her? Would you feel better if you had Chubby back? She is such a good girl. Always comes in and jumps up on the ladder so I can put her in her run. She sits on my arm, all 235 lbs of here! LOL
I opened up the garage this am, having a cooling thunderstorm, a gentle one, and petted my young bantam Orloffs, and found an egg! Now I'm gonna be a grandpa again soon!
Maybe a great Grandpa? Those young males are such crowers! sheesh!

I will take a pic of the two young males and post them later today so you can see what I have. One that I thought was a female is a male, but somone pulled out his long tail feathers! He is smaller than the crele, almost wellsummer in coloring.

Cough is finally subsiding and lungs clearing out. So I should be in good health for the fair. Any local forecast updates for me? Heard it's gonna be hot for the weekend?

Have 3 in the maternity ward now. They all 3 shuffle from nest box to nest box looking for the most comfrotable bunch of eggs to sit on as soon as one gets up to eat or drink. They are so flat when sitting! Will send a pic of them too.
I hatched Bubby myself - she was 2 years old and the last of my "original" chickens. Keep Chubby. I totally understand what you mean about 235 lbs. I went to pick up Bubby's body yesterday and thought, well she didn't die of starvation...

I have Bubby's only other daughter here - Black Bubby. She is my olive egger.

Is that crele serama just crouching down or is that his normal stance? I want a roo that stands more like Whitey. I
the crele pattern though.

Did you get a sale coop at the fair?

I have all kinds of fair questions for you....

The weather is supposed to be hot. I do believe this morning it said 90 on Saturday.

Go to KCCI.com to get Des Moines weather

Last question for now - is the middle broody Princess's mama? She looks like a washed out version of Princess.
I am glad Chubbys weight runs in the family! I was thinking of her when I heard a comedian yesterday say that large people should not get belly rings, they should get onion rings! I need onion rings. Had to chase her around a bit today. A storm came up and she decided to run out of the garage instead of into it! Felt like I was looking for Todo..........!
He is crouching down... I got them out when it was still dark and he had no idea where he was! I am so sneaky! They start to puff out more as they get older and strut their stuff for the girls which he is starting to do now. . those two Serama have grown up with the orloffs so they don't have alot of area to strut!

Yes, I got a sale coop, maybe two and thats where these two will be and some other younger chicks.

the broody in the middle is Honey, she is not P's mom. P's mom was sold to a very nice young boy and girl in WI. Her name was Sparkle. I miss her, sniiff sniff.

Just email Steph with any questions I will nswer what i can w/o using up this forum space!
I am sorry you lost one of your chicks. Dont you think it could be the heat? It was 102 here yesterday. Not the heat index, The real temp. my critters were sufering. i sprayed them with water. I wander when this heat will let up??

This is off of the subject, but does any one have a dill pickle recipe?? I need to use up some cucumbers.. thanks lisa
Thanks Lisa - yeah I am thinking the heat got to her. Well it is only 2 days until the fair! This is the first time I have ever entered any kind of competition. Yikes!

My daughter was a competitive gymnast for years - I need her here to pump me up
But alas she is in Branson...

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