IA here

Nope they told me it is toooo loud here.

I did pick up some decent looking white silkie chicks today. The lady told me she thought they were both roos but one might be a pullet. I think I likely have a pair. They are built a bit different and one is a little bigger and more solid than the other. They are about 11-12 weeks old.

I told the lady I got them from she should look at BYC.


You sound like you're getting out of birds all together...

Oh heavens no! Just cutting down on the number I have. I've accumulated too many for my limited space and need to thin down. Anyone who has been to our house can attest that I don't have a lot of space. I will continue to work on the Delaware and the Orloffs. I have hatched a lot of chicks. Today I continue with pen cleaning and adding new shavings getting ready for bath day.
Would anyone be interested in trying some bantam Orloff chicks strictly on a loan basis? Like a pair? I do have some starts I would be willing to farm out but not sell. Give it some thought. You will be able to see the parents and grandparents of the starts at the show.
Have to share this with all of you....

This was sent in an email to us.

"With Thanksgiving coming up, I thought I'd try something new.
So I went turkey hunting and shot my first one.
The gun was so loud it scared the hell out of me and everyone else in the frozen food dept"!

I got a chuckle out of that. Well, back to the pen cleaning!
Thought I'd let you know that when I cleaned the pens, the ones that wasted the most food, the litter was put right in the crows pen. They love to scratch and dig. I'm afraid it will all be on the floor tomorrow, the little scratchers! I cleaned all but two pens, the crows and the orloffs. I was gonna move the crows to that pen, switch them around but changed my mind. Then late afternoon I was invited out for a beer.... root beer of course
so, had to put an end to the cleaning fun and take a needed shower!
You ain't kiddin'. Those vultures are some of the messiest birds I have had. Thus I keep trying to kick them to the curb (OK coop) but it's not working. Probably a good thing since about half the flock outside is sneezing.
Not I unless it is a little bitty EE chick. That is the only think I have had poof lately. Plus it wouldn't get that far.

What kind is it?

I am guessing a buff orp. She doesn't quite look like mine, but she might be from a different hatachery. Of course mine are feathered cows, and she is pretty thin. I would say she was hatched in may or June. She is smaller than my girls I got in April.

She was found in a bathroom at the Kwick stop. Someone had put her there as a joke. I think in the past she was well taken care of. If someone stole her out of her pen, I want to give her back.

I have her in quarrentine. She was out in the grass yesterday, saw all my hens in the pasture and went a running with a HUGE chicken grin on her face. I think she was chanting "safety in numbers, safety in numbers". She was really grumpy when I put her back in her dog kennel, alone.
It was cold this AM! Wow. 19F. The chickens didn't want to get out of their jammies! I have one sneezy one too, just a change in the temps. I turned on the heater in the garage and, after cleaning his pen he is better too. I used some cedar chips in their bedding to freshen them up and chase away any cooties before their baths.

I was able this am to do a head count (to the best of my ability) of the Iowa Blues. I will be bringing all 24-27 to Iowa City. Yes, I can tell the males from the females for the most part.
I will box them up evenly split m/f in boxes of ten if possible, then a box of what is left. I will have them in boxes so they stay quiet, dark and calmer and will not feed them or water them much if any so they don't poo up the car. I never feed or water my birds they day we travel only the morning before, and when we arrive.
OMG! We are gonna have so many birds in the car, might have to put the luggage or the boys on top!

For those of you who will be picking up birds from me at the show, I will not be washing them, far too many and don't want to get them sick. I will only be washing my exhibition birds, and probably just the light ones at that. I will dust all of them as a precaution. I would also advise everyone to worm the birds too as time allows. Everything is precautionary. I last wormed in Sept. and the Blues were too small.

If any of you are crossing State lines, I do have all the proper paperwork including a vet inspection sheet. Just ask me for a copy.

Any questions please PM.
Not I unless it is a little bitty EE chick. That is the only think I have had poof lately. Plus it wouldn't get that far.

What kind is it?

I am guessing a buff orp. She doesn't quite look like mine, but she might be from a different hatachery. Of course mine are feathered cows, and she is pretty thin. I would say she was hatched in may or June. She is smaller than my girls I got in April.

She was found in a bathroom at the Kwick stop. Someone had put her there as a joke. I think in the past she was well taken care of. If someone stole her out of her pen, I want to give her back.

I have her in quarrentine. She was out in the grass yesterday, saw all my hens in the pasture and went a running with a HUGE chicken grin on her face. I think she was chanting "safety in numbers, safety in numbers". She was really grumpy when I put her back in her dog kennel, alone.

You're doing a super deed, and should be commended.
Is she large fowl or bantam? We had a Vorwerk that was attacked by a dog once and the dog took all her tail feathers but one. We changed her name to Pocahontas. She lived, grew back her feathers and was good girl.

Oh... If anyone is interested, I do have a pair of Vorwerks too, a pullet that just started laying and a cockerel. If you've never seen them, look them up on feathersite, they are very pretty birds. Kind of flighty however. They won't be cheap but if you're interested, PM.

Anyone heard from Lisa Lisk lately? Whats up with her???????

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