IA here

Been a thinkin that I'd be a needin one a them thar Storey books? The only Storey book i be a ownin now is one my maw got me when I wuz a yungin.
Have to check out my fayvoright book source online... far better than Amazon, abesbooks.com
Yall give it a try sometime.
Since Steph does not want to talk about FL or it's chickens, then I won't tell her what I got yesterday via email.

Glad her daughter got to MOA safely.

School was cancelled here today as expected. Another 8" on the ground. Winds to p/u today also. Those coconut palm trees look so inviting.
Only 14 days now, counting today, til we leave. Am mailing down all shorts, sunblock, silk shirts, straw hats, and beach towels, sandals, taking my own drink umbrellas in case they run out! Going sea sponge hunting too! Maybe will find SpongeBob? Oh the warm weather for my old bones to bask in!

Sure hope it's some what travel friendly for the swap this weekend.
we only got 4 inches so school on yay.
but i'm sure will be let out early. boo might lock them in basement it needs cleaned out for brooding season anyway.

i'm begining to see why steph isn't talking to you. maybe FL will have freak weather like they did earlier this yr where it was 30 wouldnt that suck. or if it rained the whole time. its not tropical storm season is it?
though i would not put shorts on or a swimsuit right now if someone paid me. lots and lots of money.

trish hows the website coming i'm still trying to talk hubby into a doe.

stay safe and warm. i've put off milking as long as i can not getting any warmer.
something was hiding in the wood pile with the original breeder.


Weird. I wonder where that would that come from? The one EE I got from you last fall is pretty guy. He is almost all black with blood red shoulders. he looks lovely next to one of the black EE pullets I raised. She looks like she is wearing a gold and ruby necklace
Schools here get out at 12:15 today. hope my hubby makes it home from work ok.

My friend Liz is in the hospital so I've been helping her husband with chores. She normally does them all. They keep such a crazy schedule. I swear Liz is sleep deprived most of the time.

The wind is really blowing out there now. Just got my driveway plowed out, so better get out there.

Website is coming along, slowly but surely. I make changes here and there all the time. Keep thinking of things to add. Tried to get the order form on there, but it isn't working. I think I know how to dink with it to make it work though.

Weird. I wonder where that would that come from? The one EE I got from you last fall is pretty guy. He is almost all black with blood red shoulders. he looks lovely next to one of the black EE pullets I raised. She looks like she is wearing a gold and ruby necklace

Maybe one of those pheasants snuck in again
Cedar Rapids is shutting schools down early too and I've been on the phone most of the day so far with customers and drivers. It's actually been pretty good though, most of them are pretty stoic about typical Iowa Winter.
My Iowa Blue crowed today! He crowed like 4 times within a few minutes. But after I went to get Jerrit and try to get him to listen
he didnt want to crow then..but then he started to crow again lol. He also did the rooster dance around one girl. He seems so much bigger than them, his combs are getting pretty red now. The girls barely even have combs, they look like little chicks still compared to him. I was going to get the camera and record him crowing but forgot we left the camera at his parents house.
Brooster was on a crowing spree too.

One of my silkies isn't doing to well now though
it's one that we got at the maqouketa swap.
It's getting really nasty out. I can't see the farm next door right now through all the blowing snow. All the critters are locked up in the barn. It's gonna be fun walking through all the drifts to get down there for the evening chores. Stay warm and safe. My family in Kansas City said it is really nasty there too. I've been looking at the chick catalogs are dreaming of baby chicks trying to stay warm in this drafty old farm house. Don't want to run the Kerosene heaters in case the power goes out and then we'd really need them. The hogs (guinea pigs) are bedded down in a bunch of hay and if I go look in on them they peek their head out and look at me like why did I make is so cold today. I had to turn the heater down as it seemed to be running non-stop trying to keep the house heated and they are thinking I am freezing them but really it is not too terrible inside. The poor sparrows are being blown all over the place in front of the garage as they try to eat the bit of cracked corn I spilled yesterday when one of the feed sacks ripped as I was taking it out of the truck. I saw several Robins yesterday. I'll bet they wish they were some place warmer right now. Stay warm and safe.
I saw its supposed to be blizzard like there. Hope everyone survives it
I just think its going to be snow here - no fun blizzards. I won't miss any ice storms there though

Aw, poor little sparrows, although it would be kind of funny to see them get blown around a llittle. I always feel bad for birds in winter, and they all huddle up sometimes when eating feed.
Well, I hope everyone is safe with this blizzard! I can't make it to work today. I started to plow out the half mile of drifts to the hard surface road, but it just started filling in behind me. Suppose I'll just stay in
The wind is driving the snow through the walls of my old barns. The horses look like snow beasts and they are INSIDE! The chicken coop does not appear to be as "draft free" as I thought, but no one seems to be suffering. Yet
I'll be visiting them frequently today.

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